Dragonformers! Megatron x Alpha! Femme! Reader

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(Art is by JazzTheTiger on deviantart)

I really do not see a lot of 'dragonformers x readers', which kinda sucks.

(I also don't see a lot of fanfictions where the reader has power over others)

But anyways, Megatron can be the tfa or tfp version. Whichever floats your boat.

If you are inspired to make a story like this, then go crazy.

(Also fair warning, this is gonna be kinda short)

Megatron laid bleeding against the wall of the cavern, wheezing and coughing out blue blood as you stood on all fours, looking victorious.

You just flew into the Decepticon cave, taking on Megatron as the others watched.

It was just another territorial battle between two Alphas where one dies and the other keeps the territory and the clan. Megatron would win every time, coming out unharmed... but not this time.

It wasn't anything new to Megatron when some alpha drake or dragon decides to surprise attack him, but that was because every single one of them was smaller and a male.

You, on the other paw, was the exact opposite.

You were bigger and stronger.

And you were an alpha femme.

Alpha femmes were an extreme rarity, and in some cases, unheard of.

Megatron didn't let that stop him from trying to kill you after you knocked him out of his dazed state.

He bit you, slashed at you, burned you, and anything he creative could come up with, but you were like a tank with wings.

You stood over him, smiling triumphantly before laying on your stomach and crossing your one front paw over the other.

Megatron tensed up and looked at you with caution, switching his weight on the other front paw to rest the used one.

"Well? What are you waiting for? You have me at my weakest... finish me off and take my territory..." he growled.

"No." You said, chuckling as you said this.

"No?" Megatron said incredulous.

You shifted and laid yourself on your side before rolling on your back and stretching, tempting the utterly confused Megatron.

"A leader needs to be, well, a good leader that knows what is great for the clan. I know NOTHING of being a leader."

You turned back on your side, leaning on your elbow and yawning.

"I did not come here to battle for the title of leader. I want a leader for myself." You stood up, stalking towards the wounded alpha before sitting in front of him.

"I want you."

Megatron stared blankly into your eyes, no, your very soul.

"You... want me? But then why attack me." He demanded.

"I wanted to make sure you couldn't kill me, even if you tried..." you purred, leaning in and licking the blood off of Megatron's cheek, who flinched.

Megatron groaned, trying to stand up before collapsing.

"Maybe I hurt you too much..." you muttered to yourself before pushing your head under Megatron's torso and giving him enough of a nudge to stand.

"Come now... you must introduce me to your clan, master." You purred once more, sashaying your way towards the main tunnel that held the rest of the Decepticons.

The Decepticons were surprised to see you come out alive with a few scrapes and burns. However, they were immediately confused when seeing Megatron following not far behind, looking like he had been put into a blender.

"L-Lord Megatron? You're alive? But the other alpha is still alive too-" Starscream immediately shut up after Megatron let out a warning growl.

Blitzwing trotted over, followed by Knockout and Breakdown, and stood in front of you.

"So zhen jou are zhe new alpha!" Blitzwing's left head chuckled before the right head growled angrily.

"Why is Megatron still alive!?" The red faced one growled.

They all awaited your answer before you yawned and laid down.

"I'm not your leader." You scoffed, laying your head down for a nap.

Megatron knew he wasn't the leader. Not anymore.

Despite having control over the clan, he knew you had full control. You never told him or made any indication that you were the true leader, he just felt it.

But for some reason, he didn't care.

He was cautious around you, sure, but he never seemed bothered by the fact that you had power over him after a while. The Decepticons learned quickly to respect you after you effortlessly made Megatron into your bitch and listened to every word and demand from you, even when they believed Megatron was the one true leader.

You snored lightly as Megatron made his way to your side in the isolated part of the cavern. His nest.

He sniffed your hindquarters and nudged you as if asking if he may join you. You opened your eye and stared at him before closing it and rolling over on your back to give him his space.

He walked up and laid down before staring at your sleeping face.

He would have killed you.

Your neck was available for his teeth to puncture and suffocate.

You were vulnerable.

But he didn't strike. He didn't want to kill you.

He wanted to take you.

Sure, you were the unofficial leader of the Decepticons, but in some ways, you allowed him to own you.

He brought his scarred and rough muzzle to your neck before licking and lightly biting, as if to stake his claim over you. You let out a purr and stretched, allowing Megatron to do whatever he pleases.

You were his.

And he was yours.

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