The Kujo's

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Jotaro Kujo sat reclined in his chair when the phone began to ring. Jumping up to answer it, he picked it up before it rang a second time. Jotaro has never been a good guy, at least not since his childhood. However, after witnessing the people of Morioh, and the connection between Joseph and Josuke, Jotaro attempted to change. He promised himself to devote more time to his daughter, whom he left to fight Kira. That was in the past, though, as Jotaro saw it.

The voice that came through the phone shocked him, he didn't expect to hear the voice again with such life and vigor.

"Jotaro?" The voice asked.
"What do you want old man?" Jotaro asked.
"This isn't the time Jotaro, listen to me. I need to see you very soon, there's a problem. I'll pay for your flight to Morioh, we'll meet there."
"Wait, I can't just travel across the globe on a whim anymore, I have a seven year old daughter now."
"It's important Jotaro, it could relate back to Dio."
This froze Jotaro in place as he recalled the events of his expedition to Egypt. The deaths of his friends and the close call with Dio gives him a fright he didn't expect.
"I'll be there," Jotaro said, putting down the phone and glancing at the couch, where his wife and daughter were fast asleep. He felt bad leaving them again, but what's most important to him is there safety, and if Dio is back than he needs to leave soon. However, as he marched out the door a small box fell out of his pocket and onto the floor, unbeknownst to him.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 9: The Last CrusadeWhere stories live. Discover now