Chapter 5

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The hallways at the high school were extremely crowded as MJ tried to push by people gently to make her way to the cafeteria where Ned waited silently. All she had heard about that morning was about the orphanage. The 'abusive' orphanage that got shut down. The one Peter had told them he would always be living in until the age of 18.

MJ could feel her hands shaking again, her patience being far lost in her now clouded mind. She was aggravated, the people in the hallways not making it any better. She wanted to go home.

At last, she had pushed herself through the crowded group of girls doing ridiculous dances and could see the Cafeteria door. She was about to take another step, when a figure stood in her way. Flash.

Eugene 'Flash' Thompson wasn't much taller than her, but despite what everyone says, MJ was a little worried about what he had to say now. She tried to walk around him, but he had just stepped in front of her.

"What do you want, Flash?" MJ said, a hint of annoyance in her voice by the way she said his name. He just simply smirked. A defiant smirk, at that.

"I heard about your boyfriend. I'm so sorry." He said with a snicker. MJ wasn't about to deny it, but Flash was getting on her nerves by just existing.

She just turned to go around him, but he grabbed her arm, right above her elbow. MJ panicked. She hated being touched. Especially by him.

"Leave me alone, Eugene." She snarled, yanking her arm out of his grip, then elbowing him gently in the stomach to let him know to back off, and walked on. He followed after catching his composure. Classic.

"Aren't you glad penis is gone?"

That was enough to set MJ off.

"Okay, that's enough. You don't even care, stop with the pity." MJ stopped in the hallway, turning to him. Flash froze up for a second, getting defensive.

"You know he deserves it, you know. You hate him just as much as I do. Everyone hates him." Flash looked frightened, digging himself deeper into his own grave.

"Woah, woah, woah. Who said I hated him? Peter is amazing." MJ crossed her arms, getting uncomfortable.

Luckily, Ned had exited the cafeteria to make a search for MJ when he saw Flash and MJ. He easily saw she was uncomfortable, and now, he felt ten times more confident.

"Peter is a lost cause, I dont get why you even talk to him. He's-" Flash was cut off as Ned jogged up to them, grabbing MJ's arm.

"Good chat, but we're going." Ned smiled to MJ and they began walking to the Cafeteria. Flash wasn't done.

"Of course, little fatty comes to the rescue for his little girlfriend." MJ flipped him off as they entered where they were finally trying to go. She would've turned around to punch him, but Ned had his arm linked around hers, and when she had pulled, Ned just pulled her along in the opposite direction.

Ned looked down at himself as he walked and sighed, his mood ultimately shifting. MJ noticed.

"Ignore him."

"Its hard to ignore it when he calls me fat everyday. Maybe he's right..-"

MJ set a hand on his shoulder. "Hey now, dont think like that. Hes a jerk, and one of these days, hes really gonna get it."

"Yeah. One day, when I'm stronger, I'll beat him up. Then he'll stop effing with Peter." Ned said, determined. After getting a tray of food, they sat down at their normal table and began talking.

"One of these days, I'll show him exactly why people dont mess with me." MJ growled. Ned smiled, knowing what Flash has coming for him. "But, thank you, Ned. I was just hoping he would've gone a little farther so I could have a reason to punch him first."

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