~Fancy Dance Pt. 2~

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The servants passed out the food
They finally gave Namjoon and the rest of them their food
Jungkook smelled his plate
It didn't smell right
"What's w-wrong sir.?" The waitress asked
Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's plate and smelled it too
It didn't smell right to him
He grabbed Namjoon's, Hoseok's, Jin's and Yoongi's plate
They had the same unsettling smell
Jungkook picked up a plate and stabbed some onto his fork and put the fork up to the waitress's face
"Take a bite." Jungkook told her
"Huh.?! Sir I can't... I'm on the job.!" Jungkook looked her in her eyes and said
"If you take this bite right now I'll give you 4K." The girl's eyes grew
"So... Take. A. Bite." Everyone in the ball room had their eyes on her
There was no talking just whispering
Namjoon looked at her and growled
"Are you hesitating to take a bite because there is.... something wrong with it?" Namjoon asked
The waitress shook her head fast
"Then go ahead... and take a fucking bite." Namjoon growled
The girl was kind of trembling but she tried to hide it
"Sir... I don't think that's a good i-..." Hoseok slammed his fist against the table making people jump but the waitress gasp
"I'll give you to the count of 10 to take a bite... 1... 2... 3...." The girl looked as if she was about to cry
"4.... 5.... 6... 7..." Namjoon counted
Jungkook put the fork closer to her face
"8..... 9..... te-.." she took a bite before Jungkook could fully say ten
"Chew and swallow the food." Jungkook told her
She shut her eyes tightly and did as she was told
They waited a few seconds
She started coughing
And coughing
And coughing
And coughing
And coughing
She collapsed
Jungkook stood up and walked to table by table and smelled the food
It smelled normal like it was freshly made and untouched
Jimin walked with Jungkook back to his table
Jimin crouched down next to the girl
He felt for a pulse
"She's dead." He said
Everyone was talking
"I don't think I'm hungry anymore..."
"I don't trust it..."
"Someone tried killing them..."
"How could he smell poison?"
"No wonder why she was so scared..."
"Who would have the balls to try and kill BHM?"
"Nice try..."
"Why would they think they'd seceded in killing them?"
"Mr. Jeon has the nose of a blood hound."
"That was amazing."
"I know he said our food is fine but I don't want to eat anymore..."
"I Guess that was a smart way at going for them but they are idiots to think that it would work."
Jungkook looked at the stage and walked up to it
He grabbed the mic and spoke
"Everyone Else's Food Isn't Poisoned. Just Ours. Who ever thought that it would be smart to try and poison us.. you're an idiot.... also don't have a business card... for those of you that do... that's how you get caught... like this person." Jungkook held up a gold business card
He grabbed it out of the the waitress's little
pouch/Fanny pack
The whole ball room gasped
Only 7 mafia groups had gold business cards and they where all there tonight
"I'm not saying which group this is but you know who you are... watch your fucking back... that is not a threat that is a statement." Jungkook growled into the mic
"You May continue to as you were." Jungkook said and got off the stage
He walked back to his table
There were servants taking away their food/plates
Jungkook put the card away
"Who's is it?" Namjoon whispered to Jungkook
Jungkook whispered back to Namjoon
"CIX." Namjoon nodded
The woman from earlier ran up on stage and spoke
"We are SO SORRY!! I don't suggest eating the food anymore... music will be playing now... please try enjoying yourself now... and feel free to step onto the dance floor.!" She said and ran down from the stage
The song 'Don't Tell 'Em(by- Jeremih)' started playing
People started to walk out on the dance floor
They were having a grand time
Taehyung sighed
"What's the matter baby?" Jungkook asked
"Nothing, just bored" Jungkook stood up
"Later go dance~" Jungkook said
Taehyung stood up and walked with Jungkook to the dance floor
Jin looked at Namjoon
"Come' on." Namjoon said and stood up
Jin smiled brightly and walked with him
Hoseok chuckled
"Let's go." Yoongi giggled
He grabbed Hobi's hand and walked with him to the dance floor
Taehyung was facing Jungkook as they danced
Jin had his back facing Namjoon as they danced
Hoseok and Yoongi were kind of grinding as they danced
People around them were doing the same thing
Namjoon smiled and grabbed Jin's waist
Their bodies moved to the rhythm
"Hehe.!" Jin giggled
Everyone danced for a while longer
"These dresses get in the way..." Yoongi said
Jin and Taehyung agreed
"Let's go change?" Taehyung asked
"Change?" Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook asked
"We brought extra dresses again!" Jin said and smiled brightly
They three older boys laughed
"Fine go change."
They grabbed their mini backpacks and smiled
They ran to the bathrooms
After a while they came back wearing these dresses that look stunning

" They grabbed their mini backpacks and smiled They ran to the bathrooms After a while they came back wearing these dresses that look stunning

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"Wow..." Hoseok said
"Damn..." Namjoon said
"Fuckkkk" Jungkook said
"You boys like?" Jin asked
The three older boys nodded
The three Youngers giggled
Some other people had their eyes on the boys and started clapping
The three smiled and walked to their boyfriends
Namjoon grabbed Jin's waist
"I love this dress.. why haven't I ever seen this one before?" Namjoon asked
Jin smiled
"Because I was saving it for something like this!" Jin smiled and giggled
Namjoon chuckled
"You really know how to surprise someone don't you baby." Namjoon said to his boyfriend
Jin smiled brightly
"Of course.!" At that moment everybody heard a loud CRASHING noise
"WHAT THE HELL?!" People yelled

A/N: There Is Gonna Be A Part 3!! I'm Sorry I Keep Giving You Cliff Hangers But It's Just The Suspense!! I'm Sorry!! Keep An Eye Out For Part 3!!! I Love You All Stay Safe!!🥺💜

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