~They're Back~

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~A few weeks pass~

TXT finally came back
Soobin walked through the door and fell flat down on the floor face down
"What happened to him?" Hoseok asked as he was on his computer
"He's been driving for two days straight" Beomgyu said and walked over him
Taehyung walked in and saw taehyun wearing a choker
"Cute choker." Tae smirked
Taehyun blushed
"Thank you..."
Huening Kai grabbed Soobin's arm and started to drag him to his room
"Come On Buddy, if you are gonna sleep let's not do it in front of the door" he said as he dragged him to his room past Taehyung
Tae giggled
"Nice having them back."
Namjoon walked down the stairs
"You're back?"
Yeonjun walking into the house and nodded
He closed the door behind him
"Where is Soobin?" Namjoon asked he walked to the couch
"I saw Huening Kai drag him to his room. Beomgyu said he was driving for two days straight and that means no sleep. He's not used to that." Hoseok told Namjoon
Yoongi came running downstairs and ran past everyone to Soobin's room and started to jump on his bed
Soobin groaned
It was dark in the room but by the voice he knew exactly who was in the room
"Mr. Yoongi I respect you so much but please leave me the fuck alone I want to sleep!" Soobin groaned as he kicked off his shoes to get more comfortable
He was in little space but he was 5 so he was able to form real words
"I'll play with you once I wake up I promise." Soobin sighed
Hoseok sighed
He got up and walked to Soobin's room
"Come here." Hoseok told Yoongi
"But Daddy!! He Promised!!" Yoongi pouted
"Come here." Hoseok repeated himself
"But daddy..." Yoongi was about to throw a hissy fit
"One.... Two...." Hoseok started to count slowly
Yoongi gasped
He jumped off the bed and ran out of the room waiting for Hoseok outside of it
Hoseok looked at the half awake Soobin
"Why'd you promise him you'd play with him when you got back?" He asked the dead looking boy
"I traded him a knife he was holding for his pacifier and he said the only way he'd give me the knife is if I promise to play with him when we got back." Soobin said as he was about to knock out
Hoseok nodded and walk outside of the room closing the door behind him
"If I ever hear that you've been playing with knives again I'll punish you. Understand?" Hoseok asked Yoongi
Yoongi stiffened up
"...! Yes Daddy.!" Yoongi then ran away back upstairs
Hoseok sighed and walked to the kitchen
"Hi Tae, you big or little?" Hoseok tilted his head
Tae was holding a tequila bottle
He flicked off the cap with his finger
"Does this answer your question?" He asked and started to drink it like it was water
Hoseok chuckled and grabbed the bottle from him
"You really wanna be drunk?" Hoseok asked
"Just a bit tipsy that's alllll!" Tae giggled
Hoseok chuckled
He gave tae a water bottle
"Drink it so you can wash down some of the alcohol"
"Yessir!" Tae smiled and drank the water
Jungkook walked into the kitchen with Yoongi on his back and it looked like he was crying?
"So... I was looking for Tae and out of nowhere... someone jumped on my back so in any normal situation I grabbed them and flipped them over slamming them on the ground... but then I saw this kitten on the floor looking at me in shock and winded from how hard he was slammed on the floor... I think I knocked him back into deeper little space... after he caught a breath he started to cry.." Jungkook explained the situation
"Yoongi Im sorry." Jungkook tried apologizing to show them what happens when he does
"Nuh Uh!! Kookie Is A Big Meanie An Huwt Yooni!" Yoongi looked like he was gonna cry again
Hoseok sighed
He walked up to Jungkook and put his arms out for Yoongi
"Come here.."
Yoongi grabbed onto Hoseok letting go of Jungkook and holding tight to Hoseok's shirt
"Why would you jump on his back without saying it was you, kitten?" Hoseok tried to comfort him
"I twy to surpwise kookie... buh kookie huwt yooni" Yoongi explained
"Awwwe Jungkook you asshole.!" Hoseok teased Jungkook making fun of him for hurting the precious baby
"Accident!! It Was An Accident!!" Jungkook said and grabbed the tequila bottle and drank it like water just like Tae
Tae giggled
"I'm gonna marry that boy one day!" He giggled
Hoseok chuckled and looked back at Yoongi and kissed his forehead
"What would you like daddy to do to kookie?" Jungkook was scared
"oH fUcK!?!?"
"...make kookie sit in da corner for 20 minutes!" Little Yoongi thought that's the was the worst punishment in the world
"Oh my goodness baby I love you so much!!!" Hoseok was trying his best not to laugh
He looked at Jungkook
"You heard my little princess, go sit in the corner you bully!!" Hoseok was laughing but trying to hide it
"I'm A Grown Ass Man I Ain't Sitting In A Fucking Corner!!" Jungkook said as he put the tequila bottle down
"You slammed my boyfriend on the ground and winded him. The least you can do is sit in the corner for 20 minutes.!" Hoseok tried to get him to do it because he wanted to make fun of him
Hoseok was listening and accidentally touched Yoongi's lower back trying to support the way he was holding him but Yoongi's back arched
Hoseok looked at him confused
He sat him on the counter and pulled up Yoongi's shirt from the back
His eyes widened when he saw a bruise forming from his lower back to his middle back
"Okay fucker you have two options, either you sit in the fucking corner or I slam your head through a fucking wall.!" Hoseok growled and before you can even think Jungkook was in a corner facing the wall
Hoseok picked up Yoongi again being careful with his back
He looked at Jungkook and laughed
"Pfffffttt!! Namjoon!!! Get The Fuck In Here!!" Hoseok yelled
Namjoon walked into the kitchen, holding hands with Jin
"What's up?" He asked but then heard Jin laughing
"What?" He looked in the direction of the laughter and started wheezing
Everyone was laughing besides Yoongi because he was pouty
Tae was giggling
"Fuck all of you.!" Jungkook held up his middle finger
"*dramatic gasp* at least take me out to dinner first!!" Namjoon tried making a feminine voice
It was horrible but that's what's making it even more funny
Namjoon tried to compose himself
"Okay.! OkAy!! oKaY!! OKAY!!" He controlled his laughter
"Why is he in the corner?" He asked with a smile that told Hoseok he wanted to continue laughing
Hoseok set Yoongi on the counter again
"He flipped Yoongi over his back and slammed him against the floor upstairs when Yoongi jumped on his back to try and surprise him so I asked Yoongi what he'd like me to do to Jungkook and he said time out and Jungkook kept saying he is a grown man so he wasn't gonna do it but as I was listening I moved my hand to try and support Yoongi from the way I was holding him and he winced so I put him in the counter and lifted his shirt." Hoseok explained and lifted the back of Yoongi's shirt showing the bruise that went from his lower back to his mid-back
Namjoon made a 'Ooh that looks bad' kind of face
"Oh yeah then when I saw it I said you got two options either you sit in the corner or I put your head through a wall." Hoseok told Namjoon
"I'd choose the corner too.!" They laughed at Jungkook
After 20 minutes Jungkook got out of the corner
"I hate all of you, go fuck yourselves." He flipped them all off glaring at them like this -.-
"Haha.!" They laughed at him and smirked
"Ohh It's okay buddy.!" Namjoon and Hoseok ruffled his hair
"But if there is a Next time that you do that crap again I will not hesitate to slam your head through a brick wall. You got that?" Hoseok growled at Jungkook
Jungkook got scared
"Y-Yessir!" He said in fear

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