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So as you may know we are getting a comeback after a year! Yay! But this is about who would leave or stay at YG after their contracts are up.
Jisoo- mixed
On one hand I see her leaving to pursue a career in acting but I see her staying to work on music.
In the future after BP I definitely see her being a actress and doing Singing on the side.
Jennie- staying
I definitely see her staying and doing music with YG out of all the members
YG has always treated better than the other members it wasn't like the best or nicest treatment but they definitely treat Jennie better but I feel she's being manipulated in a way so I could see her staying
Rosè- staying
At this point I see her staying like she's worked for years trying to pursue her dreams and YG isn't idolizing her talents but even after all this I see her staying
Lisa- leaving
Not only do I see her leaving I see her not singing but only dancing. I see her going some place like the black label and being a dancer I definitely don't see her singing or rapping after blackpink

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