Red velvet Rant

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So I kinda realized how lazy Red Velvet's fandom is. These girl have the best vocals (opinionated and I mean as a group) in 3rd Gen Kpop and are insanely beautiful. They have one of the best discographies and have very hard Choreography compared more popular girl groups. As a group they should be on Twices or Blackpink's level of popularity but they're not and there's a reason behind it. Sm does not do a good Job at promoting the girls as a group. Individually yes but as a group Sm does not try to promote the girls to the popularity the those other groups are. Many of there songs and dances should have gotten more views than they have gotten because they are just that good like Psycho deserved so much more than what she was getting. And finally a big reason why RV aren't that popular is because the stand are down right lazy. To most reveluvs Red velvet is never their ultimate girl group they are always second or third. The fans don't normally stream their music or tell other people about the girls. Number 2 the fandom is too nice. I'm not saying go rouge but if we were like once's or Blinks do y'all not realize where Red velvet would be right now? In the end these girls deserve so much more than what they have

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