Chapter 22: Jacob

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"Julia, 'tis morning," Rahlan says behind my ear.

"Mmhmm." I nestle deeper into the sleeping pouch.

He inches me around until I'm facing his chest. "You are awake?" he asks.

I yawn and shake my head.

He nudges my body up so I'm at eye level with him.

"I want breakfast in bed," he says.

"Very funny," I mumble.

He pulls my tunic collar back and slides his teeth under my skin. I flinch from the initial sting, but my muscles relax once he stills.

My eyes close again, and I drift off as much as I can despite the dull pain. I must have a scar from having that wound reopened every day.

He finishes up, pinching the cut closed with his fingers. I'm awake, but I wouldn't mind spending a few more minutes in this cozy pouch.

"How did you scar your face?" he asks.

"What?" My heart drops for a second. Was I injured without knowing it?

He lifts his finger. "There," he gently touches the bridge of my nose. "'Tis like you were burned with many sparks."

I run my finger over the spot. "Nothing feels different."

He reaches for the sword above his head and unsheathes it just two inches. The reflective blade acts like a mirror. He touches a spot on my nose again. "There."

"Those are freckles," I laugh, "You had me worried."

"Freckles?" he asks, puzzled.

"You know, freckles."

He stares at me with a blank expression.

Taking a closer look at his face, I realize that he actually has no freckles. His skin is ghostly pale, broken only by his inky eyebrows and emerging stubble. I grab his hand and inspect it. Nothing. I tug his sleeve up and angle his forearm under the morning light, but there's not a single speck. "You really don't have freckles," I say mostly to myself.

He touches my nose again, running his fingers over it like he's feeling for texture.

He thought I'd been burned. The absurdity makes me smile. "Freckles are just little spots we're born with. It's just a normal part of being human."

He nods, his gaze still transfixed on my nose.

I stretch and pull myself out of the pouch. We slip our boots on, and I follow him out the tent.

The camp is packing up, and soon we're traveling again.

* * * * * * * *

The sun is setting. Orange rays poke between the tall trees, illuminating the column of vampires.

The horse rider ahead of us twists around. I hope he's looking at Rahlan, not me.

"Twenty on south, pivot clockwise," the rider says.


Rahlan repeats the phrase to the men behind us.

"What does that mean?" I ask Rahlan, looking up.

He pulls back on the reins, and Mittens comes to a halt with a grunt. His hands slip under my arms, and I'm placed on the ground before he jumps down himself.

He unties his bag from Mittens' saddle, dropping it on top of a small rock. The rest of the men do the same, removing bags from their horses and taking off their backpacks.

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