Chapter 32: Comfortable

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Rahlan takes slow steps with his hands behind his back, his sword in its sheath, and his gaze over the weary humans.

The young girl is hugging her brother, keeping his head below her chin. A few others are holding hands and huddling up, as if they could save each other from being taken. I could've been just like them, herded out to the village center by giant vampire soldiers, praying they wouldn't kill us and hoping that I wouldn't be the one they picked to use as an example.

Rahlan stops pacing, drawing any eyes that had drifted to us back to him.

"Under the order of King Groel, I am the ruler of this fief. You may address me as Lord Rahlan." He pauses, waiting to see if anyone will dare challenge him.

The villagers look to the ground as Rahlan's gaze passes over them.

"You will have heard many rumors about my kind," he says. The villagers in the front row shudder, possibly catching a glimpse of his fangs. "Rumors that we drain your blood until your bodies are still and dry, that our appetites dictate who lives and who does not."

I had that fear when Rahlan first drank from me – that I'd fade into nothing with his teeth embedded in my neck.

"From our turbulent introduction, you may be inclined to believe those rumors. 'Tis possible that you'd be more cooperative with such a threat. However, order in my land will not be based on fright but deference. I ask that you respect me, my commands and my men, and in return, we shall respect you. Obey and no one will lose their lives, no one will lose their homes, and no one will lose their dignity."

I'm pleased, but I seem to be the only one. The villagers stay frozen, clinging to one another like they're expecting to be dragged away and eaten.

"I understand that you may find that difficult to believe," Rahlan continues, "Human's living peacefully under vampires – preposterous. But consider that vampires have lived for generations before you, each consuming blood from plenty of humans. If we simply murdered, we would soon starve. Thousands of humans live content lives in our nation, and now that our nation has expanded, that will include you all."

The villagers glance at each other, quiet whispers bouncing between them.

"Blood," Rahlan says, drawing their frightened eyes back to him, "'Tis a topic most certainly on your mind. As you know, my men and I require blood for sustenance. Each day, we shall enter a home and take our fill. It will involve no more than a prick of your skin and minutes of your day. We shall take care not to endanger your health, and I'm told that it's no worse than a slight sting."

They don't look particularly happy at that. I also hated having my blood drawn at first, but I'd be lying if I said it did anything more than drain a little energy. The thought that I was being served up as a commodity was the worst part about it.

"My first command is a curfew," he continues, "Do not venture beyond the housing perimeter after dark. 'Tis for your own protection, as I suspect a new danger may soon occupy the surrounding wilderness."

The villagers look to one another. It has to be ravagers. We encountered them near the Gaultane river, and while it may have been close to the vampire border, it was still within my country. Rahlan said they were banished from their towns, but he didn't seem too surprised to see them wandering about. I figure the normal vampires tend to leave them alone, and with no human lords to keep them out of our land, they're moving in.

"As a precaution, one of my men will be stationed here each night," he says. "This is a threat with which we have much experience warding off, and with your cooperation, we can assure your safety."

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