♦ fourteen

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the couple and the.. the single one finished their breakfast. minho decided to leave early since the manager needed the soloist urgently, leaving the two alone. the two just decided to talk to each other, interested in each other's lives. "does your boyfriend's fans know that you guys are dating?" hyunjin asked.

"actually, no... only his company knows. i don't know when he'll tell to the public. we're dating for months now. i'm surprised we haven't been caught by dispatch yet." jisung said, frowning a bit.

"how did you guys meet anyways?"

"we met.."

♦ flashback

almost a year back...

jisung was invited to a high school friend's party and he had nothing to do that night so he accepted the invitation. it was around 8pm and he changed his clothes. he wore a black and white striped long sleeve shirt with light blue jeans and putting on white shoes.

his friend said that he'll pick him up in 8:30pm so he still has a bit time left. he just played on his phone. he played for a few mintues and saw it was 8:25pm. it was almost time and jisung decided to tell jeongin that he'll be going out. he went upstairs to the younger's bedroom and opened the door, revealing a jeongin sitting on the chair, probably doing some school work. "hey, jeongin," jisung called.


"i'm going to a party and i'll be probably back in a few hours. take care of the house while i'm gone."

"okay, hyung. take care."

then jisung left the room and he heard a honk. signalling for jisung to go outside. he took his phone and wallet and left the house to jeongin. he went outside and saw his friend, changbin.

he got inside and sat beside the driver's seat and said 'hey' to the older. "so how's life?" changbin asked. "fine, i guess. still never found a job and still single. good thing jeongin's there for me. i'm probably dead without him. i owe that kid a lot."

"now, now. let's not get too emotional. we're going to a party! cheer up! here, i'll put on some twice songs. more & more is a bop, man." changbin comforted the younger. he then played twice's latest song, more & more.

"thanks, hyung."

"oh, that's nothing."

they got inside their friend's house. chan's house. there were a lot of people dancing to the music, some people making out, and some people are just sitting, talking or something.

"you guys made it! have i told you guys that minho is here?" chan greeted the two. "minho? who's minho?" jisung asked, completely confused.

"minho! lee minho! the one who used to have a crush on you. now he's going to debut in a few months as lee know! and he looks good as fuck! how about try hitting on him, ji?" chan asked.

"oh. him. i don't hit people. that's bad!"

"he meant, try flirting with him, dumbass!" changbin smacked his head and jisung winced in pain. "okay, okay! but still, i wouldn't do that. i might be single right now but i'm happ—" jisung got cut off by a handsome looking man walking towards their direction.

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