♦ twenty-seven

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"oh my gosh, jeongin! it's so nice to see you again after all these years! come in!" one of jeongin's playmates back in the day, tzuyu.

she let the couple in. they sat down by the couch and as she examined the male clinging on jeongin, she gasped. "h-hyunjin?!"

"yeah?" hyunjin replied, confused.

"that's why you look so familiar when i always see you in tv and billboards!" tzuyu said with excitement visible on her face.

"that.. anyways, we came here to visit! so, how's it been?" jeongin asked as they kept on talking with tzuyu.

"thanks, tzuyu! see you next time!" jeongin waved and they left the house.

"she's gotten a lot prettier, y'know? i used to tease her saying she looks very ugly when we were kids. she's a big glow-up." hyunjin commented as they were walking back home.

jeongin pouted and crossed his arms, feeling the jealousy take over him. "then why don't you go to her instead? she's prettier, right? go." he said, trying not to say anything he'll regret.

"aww, are you jealous?"

"no, i'm not!"

"it's okay to be jealous, baby. you know i'll only love you and only you." hyunjin said sweetly and ran to the other, who was steps ahead of him, stomping cutely.

he hugged him from the back and peppered small kisses on the younger's neck, making jeongin stop walking and tried not to giggle."please don't be mad at me, baby. when i compliment someone doesn't mean i don't love you anymore, sweetheart." hyunjin chuckled.

"yeah, yeah." jeongin rolled his eyes and turned around, pulling hyunjin for a kiss—hyunjin kissed back.

"the food is ready, hyunjin and jeongin—oh my, don't makeout on the sidewalk, please!" mark said, not wanting his son and his sons's boyfriend to be caught.

the couple heard and chuckled but obeyed anyway.

they finished eating and it was now around 9pm. jeongin and hyunjin was inside the younger's old room, just chilling on bed while using their phones. jeongin was sitting down on his bed while hyunjin's head is placed on the younger's lap.

jeongin and hyunjin made so many memories together in this room.

♦ flashback

yeaaaaaars ago...
(i'm too lazy to do math sorry lmao)

"innie? are you okay?" 9-year old hyunjin asked as he went inside jeongin's room. "uh, no. i feel like dying." 8-year old jeongin said and groaned after. the younger has a cold and couldn't go to school.

hyunjin felt lonely when he wasn't at school. he had no one to chat with him, play tic-tac-toe while the teacher isn't looking, or even go to lunch with him. he wasn't close with anyone other than jeongin.

(so, hyunin are classmates. hyunjin went to a nursery THEN kindergarten but jeongin? he skipped nursery to pay less expenses and became classmates with hyunjin.)

hyunjin walked towards jeongin's bed and sat beside him. "i was lonely without you at school." the older frowned and looked at jeongin with a sad expression.

"i know, i'm sorry. i wish i was able to go to school but this stupid cold got me! now i can't play with you and the others today."

"how about we just talk?" hyunjin suggested.

"of course!"

"it's for the best, hyunjin. you two were always fighting." 16-year old jeongin said as he pat hyunjin's back.

they were inside jeongin's room yet again. even though they can always chill at hyunjin's house as many times as they wish, at jeongin's was just special and had a lot more memories. just like at the park; they had a lot of memories there too. jeongin's room and the park is always their hangout.

remember ryeoji? her and hyunjin just broke up. hyunjin really liked her and their relationship ended just because of stupid jealousy.


"why did she have to be so jealous of us hanging out?! we're best friends for fuck's sake, innie!" 17-year old hyunjin cried out and hugged jeongin, the younger hugging bsck while rubbing hyunjin's back.

jeongin felt his heart shatter. not only because hyunjin was crying, it's also because of what the older said.

"we're best friends for fuck's sake, innie!"

the younger already knew he had no chance with him, but he still had little hope that one day, him and hyunjin will go on dates and make a future with each other.

he needs to stay by hyunjin's side either way.

"ssh, jinnie. move on. nothing's gonna progress if you keep on crying because of what happened to you two. how about we buy some food? my treat." jeongin pulled away to face the older, waiting for response.

"i'd love that."

end of flashback

"it feels so good to be here again." jeongin said and put down his phone, looking down at his boyfriend. "i know, we did a lot of stuff here years ago. it feels so nostalgic." hyunjin commented and smiled at jeongin, who smiled back.

"at nights, i always pray for you to like me back. i kept praying and hoping and ended up giving up when your parents made you transfer. so that, i lost feelings for you too." jeongin said and kissed the older's nose.

"i didn't know, i'm sorry!" hyunjin sat up and tackled jeongin in a tight hug. jeongin giggled and hugged back.

"it's okay, my wish came true. i just needed to wait. my past self will go crazy if i told him we got togehter."

"cute." hyunjin said and stared at jeongin's face, slowly turning red. hyunjin's face went closer and closer about to kiss him w—

"jeongin is everything— oh my god! do NOT do that here and just sleep for god jihyo's sake!" mark interrupted as he opened the door.

the young couple sighed in frustration.

"yes, yes. please leave ma, we were having our alone time." jeongin pouted.

"okay jeonginnie. don't you two mess the bedsheets! doing laundry is exhausting!" mark warned and closed the door, making the two giggle and finally,

hyunjin's face went closer to jeongin's and connected their lips together.

i'm sorry this took soooo long!!!! i just didn't have the motivation to write and now i just forced myself to finish this (^~^)

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