Accidental Espionage leads to an long forgotten past

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Overview :

In this role-play, Mevolent and someone certain else, my OC (Detoxia) and @Athena_Danger OC (Athena) have been trying to find, managed to find a loop-hole, create a portal, leading from Dimension X into the normal Dimension.

As said, our two characters found out about the secret invasion and were determined to try to find the only person knowing enough about the Warlord to safe their World..

Nefarian Serpine, the leader and only survivor of the Resistance..

They searched, and searched, until their lead led them to the west side of Roarhaven, the ruins - a demolished place still destroyed from the terror Devastation Day had spread.


.. the slender girl stood infront of a large, abandoned parking-building. Cracked and run-down like all the other many buildings, standing in the Ruins of Roarhaven.
Yet, apparently still stabile, compare to all the other broken-down houses, as it was still tightly hold by the multiple, thick, iron pillars, that had once been built between its thick floors.

And which Detoxia cautiously admired, when she had hesitantly went beside. Slowly examining the 1.floor, as she walked around the now empty parking - spaces..

Nothing but parking-spaces and bleak pillars, that filled this sad house.

..But for once, exceptionally decided to also walk up its narrow road to one of the upper floors.
2 floor. Nothing.
3.floor. Nothing.
Nothing, but this endless and cold silence, that ruled around the many pieces of broken metal and rubble laying all around.

Yet, as she reached the 4.floor, something was different.
A change of air, that let her immediately freeze, as her blue, suddenly tightened eyes fell on the same, indifferent scrapped corridor and heaves of rubble or dirt.
Which got once she only hesitantly walked through - step by step, that she came nearer to the area of the parking-spaces.


Until she stopped, as quiet voices, mumbling, suddenly made itself recognizable for her attentive ears, just as she was about to go through the same, old, small door-less, iron opening.
One foot, that she had already sat into the area, before she instantly flinched back with a, muffled gasp, and pushed herself tensely against the rough, white stone-walls of the building.
Holding her breath, as the voices behind her continued to speak..

? 1: tsh.. Its truly laughable, to think that the Sanctuary aren't getting the idea to search in such an obvious place like this.

?2:..hmph.. If your China Sorrows is just like mine, than she's much too pretty, to make her nails dirty... Trust me..

? 1:..oh, That she is, my friend!

? 2: Then we won't be disturbed......So what have you so dearly wanted to tell me.. Our plan?

? 1: Our plan . Yes.. Indeed... Everything's going according to the plan, Serafina has done her part and the clips are placed!

(Clips, they have more!) the spying sorcerer thought shocked, as a wave of adrenalin shot through her veins and she kept on pressing herself angstly against the solid stone. Breathing heavily, in fear of being noticed by the two foreign figures.
Obviously two men, according to the deep velvet voices, one, she knew from somewhere and the other full of authority, a voice belonging to a leader.
Two strangers, non of the being Serpine.
And yet, she knew she should run as long as she still could, she wasn't meant to spy on whoever dangerous person was talking there, yet something, a force, held her in place. She wanted to know, their plan, she had to find out to warn the Sanctuary!

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