chapter 7: ninja's arrival

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Randy's POV

I can't believe that I get to see my cousin Jake it's been forever especially after all the wonkin stuff I've been through.

For all you guys that don't know me I'm Randy Cunningham a ninth grade student at Norsville Highschool buuuuuut I've also got a huge secret and it's the most BRUCE thing ever.

I'm the ninja that protected Norsville from monster.

For eight hundred years the ninja mask has been passed down to someone who is worthy of becoming the ninja but when the job of the ninja is complete the ninja must face the ultimate lesson and forget all the ninja has learned.

Normally that applies to me to but the first ninja told me that I was the last ninja that their would ever be since the sorcerer was defeated forever and no one would ever get stanked again.

That sounds like the BRUCEST thing ever right well you'd be wrong since I'm the last ninja to ever be the nomicon gave me something that can't be undone but I'm keeping that a secret until I'm ready to tell it.

But anyway since the sorcerer is gone McFist doesn't make any ninja destroying robots so their's peace which made my life easier for a bit until all the wonk stuff happened but let me explain that.

Well it all started a few weeks ago.

-------------NINJA FLASHBACK----------

"Can you believe it Cunningham you beat the sorcerer now think of all the BRUCE THINGS WE CAN DO!!!" My best friend Howard shouted as we were walking to his house.

"Yeah Howard this I'll be great!!!" I shouted until we got to his house.

"Howard were have you been you were supposed to be here an hour ago to help finish packing were moving remember." Heidi said which made me pause in my tracks.

"WAIT WHAT!!!" I shouted and Howard was just as shocked as I was.

"AHHHHHH CHEEESE I FORGOT!!!"Howard shouted.

"Why are you moving?" I asked in a sad tone.

"Our dad got a better job in Snoozetown so we're all moving to their." Heidi said and went back to packing her stuff in the truck.

"WellI guess this is goodbye huh buddy." Howard said to me as a tear came down my eye.

"Yeah I guess it is but you'll always be my best friend Howard always."I told him with a sad smile.

"Yeah cunnigham and for what it's worth your the greatest ninja Norsville ever had and you were the greatest friend ever." Howard said as we parted ways as he, his sister and his parents left in the truck.

I was walking home to no one as usual because my parents left and I never saw them again and the last things my parents did was just wave goodbye and that was a year ago but no one knows.

So I went to my room and got shlupped into the nomicon and saw the first ninja.

"Hello Randy why so glum you defeated the sorcerer we should celebrating." First ninja said.

"Actually first ninja I don't have much to celebrate I mean I lost my best friend because he had move and I come home everyday to an empty house because my parents left me a year ago so now I'm all alone and all I've got is you and the nomicon but I have family but I haven't seen Jake since we were four." I cried into his shoulder as he hugged me rubbing my back.

"I'm so sorry Randy I didn't know this happened to you but I can tell your luck will turn around for the best but please hang in there for a bit longer."He said soothingly which made me feel better a bit.

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