chapter13: Shocking discoveries

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Randy's POV

I walked around this place searching for my cousin but instead I ran into Juniper Jake's girlfriend.

"Hi Juniper right have you by any chance seen my cousin?" I asked her.

"Yeah he actually left with Fu Dog to the magical bizarre an hour ago they should be back in a little while why?" She asked me.

"No reason just looking for my cousin and ask him if I could meet his little sister Haley." I said.

"Hey we never talk much before haven't we?" She asked me and I thought back and she was right we actually haven't talked that much in the past.

"Yeah but I actually need to go train but if ya want we could talk on the way their?" I offered.

"Sure let's go." She said and on the way I told about me and Jake when we were kids before we stopped seeing each other.

"And that is how I became a huge fan of the ninja." I said as we got to the training deck.

"So you and Howard snuck out of Daycare and into Norsville High to prove to him that a ninja existed only for the Daycare teacher to get possesed and turned into a monster to find you and you ended up saving the ninja." She asked as we stopped.

"Yeah that about sums it up." I said as she laughed.

"Wow that is some crazy adventure for a kindergardener to go on." She laughed and I joined in.

"Yeah and when I got to ninth grade the adventures just got crazier." I said.

"So what did your parents think about your kindergarden adventure?" She asked.

"Nothing they where always to busy to care." I said as I turned away and put on the ninja mask and black and red wrappings covered my body putting me in the ninja suit.

"Well I'll talk to you later ok." I said walking away and Tengu flew out of me.

"Young ninja are you ready to test our new techniques start with Tengu scarlet fire fist to do this you must focus on the Tengu power harness it until the flames almost overwhelm you then release." Tengu said.

I did as Tengu said and harnessed the Tengu fire and stored the fire in my fist and once I felt I couldn't hold anymore power I released it and released it and out came a giant deep red silouette of the Tengu flying fast and hit the wall leaving a giant burn mark.

"Woah." Was my intellegent answer because I was out of breath.

"Indeed you did well for your first time but improvements can be made this attack is good for long range and distractions but it comes at a cost for a good amount of stamina and it takes time to focus and you were not able to use the attack at it's full power." Tengu said as I finally caught my breath.

"What do mean I didn't use the attack at it's full power it was wonkin huge." I said.

"Yes it was big but for full power it must be bigger than I am if it were at full power." Tengu said as he looked at me.

"Ok let's do this again." I said and turned Tengu mode and instead of my whole body I focused all the power into my left arm and kept it their and kept building up my strength into the arm and after a while the color darkened into blood red and I could feel the flames on my arm through the suit and I punched releasing all the energy and this time the flames came out bigger and it looked more like the Tengu it even made a screeching sound.

"Much better now we shall move on to the Gale force palm." Tengu said and I nodded my head.

"How do I do it." I asked the Tengu.

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