chapter 11: more revenge and meeting first ninja

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Conner's POV

" Wow he really is walking contradiction and it was almost nice knowing you Wally." I said.

"How did he do that though it is physically impossible to do that?" Megan asked.

"Well he did say he was contradiction so it isn't as surprising as it should be and he did just explain it to us before he left." I said and grabbed megan's hand and walked out of the training deck.

"So what do you want to do now megan?" I asked her as we walkedthrough the hall.

"Let's go watch a movie in the living room please?" She asked with puppy eyes which I found adorable.

" I asked you what you want to do so of course we can and I wasn't gonna say no anyway." I said to her kissing her cheek.

"Awwwwww you can be so sweet Conner." She said and kissed my cheek which made me smile.

"You go pick the movie I'll go make popcorn." I said and went to the kitchen.

Randy's POV

So after cleaning up the room and throwing away everything well except the candles cuz they smell nice I sat on my bed.

"You knew what they did didn't you Tengu." I said in my head.

"Forgive me young ninja I forgot to tell you for First ninja and I were distracted in a conversation." Tengu said.

"It's ok Tengu you can already see literally all my thoughts including some I wish you wouldn't." I said and looked at Artimes.

' Wow she's is beautiful,smart and a good partner in pranks." I thought and went over to her.

"Young ninja I still hear your thoughts." He said and I turned slightly red.

"Shut up Tengu" I said in my head but I could hear him laugh.

"So got any plans on getting back at your cousin." She asked as I sat down on her bed with her.

" Well I got a few ideas on how but now I'm also gonna hit Wally because he laughed at me earlier cuz of what's written on my chest and it's permanent marker so it won't be coming of for a while." I said and got a little angry.

"So what's the plans?" She asked.

" Well one is to give him the worst illusions the Halloweenja power has to offer for Wally and for Jake I plan to use a little thing I call Tengu powers add a little ninja techniques and you get a dangerous combination but I'll need your help it's gonna need your help though." I said to her.

" What should I do?" She asked.

"Well I need a partner in pranks and you know this place better than I do plus who wouldn't need a cute girl as their prank partner.' I said and it caused her to blush.

"But since your a good shot I need you to use the Tengu infused bow and shoot a Wind based arrow because it's gonna be the best part of the story." I said to her.

"Oh right I never got a chance to use it to use it." She said and summoned the bow.

"What do I say to switch the powers of the arrow?" She asked.

"To switch the arrow you say Tengu Fire or wind or if necessary Earth those are the elements I can use." I said and went to pick up my mask and put it on.

" Well come on it's time to smoke bomb into my cousins room and set up a small trap I have ready." I said as she grabbed my arm.

"Ready cuz it's time for a SMOKE BOMB!" I said and threw the smoke bomb and threw it on the ground and the smoke cleared I was in Jake's room.

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