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Aizawa Pov•

Why isn't Izu In the room-? 
Where is he? 
I quickly Turned to Hizashi,  As he seemed suspicious as well. Until another faint scream.  What?  This is like a nightmare hospital.  I soon held Hizashi's hand.  As he Took the lead. 

(Lmao I accidentally  typed it in 3rd POV,  so here's - uhm- wait- I'm  having a stroke- AHH-

okay,  3rd Pov•)

"I know what you're thinking. Don't  panick.  I'm sure they had a mish-"

Hizashi was interrupted by a muffled blood curdling scream. His eyes Grew wide,  So did Aizawa's.  Aizawa Had heard this same scream so many times it shook him to his core.  He knew exactly  who it was.  And what room it came from -

Aizawa knew That Girl in their looked familiar... too messy buns,  and one Creepy ass smile.

They let go of eachothers hand.  Some others had heard the scream.  But thought, it was a child Going to a dentist and Scared for their life  and starting crying and screaming.  The Duo Ran into the room. Another scream being heard,  Louder now that they were  closer.

It was Izuku...

He was Squirming and Bashing his Fists from left to right,  Trying to Escape Their grip.. 

"Their" being-
Toga- and Shigarki..

Aizawa, was furious. And both worried and Confused- litterly all the emotions.  He was also happy to see his BabY boY.  He Quickly took his scarf and Latched it around Izuku's Stomach.  He flinched harshly and Cried. The one place He was supposed  to heal- was almost Hurt again.  Tears Rolled down his face. They dripped on his shirt as he was shaking,
One,  Fell on the floor. It almost felt like Time stopped.  The tear Made a Soft,  "plop" On the cold tile floor. He was uncontrollably  sobbing.  He just wanted  to go home... And Be with his family. Play games.  Not a worry in the world.
He wanted to be safe again..

OOKKKKKK-- Sorry this was short.  But I promis there will be another update.  Later today.  Please don't  give up on this story xD hHHhHHH-- OK!  See ya later! 

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