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A/n - Firstly I want to thank you for reading this story. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if the writing seems a little shaky.

WARNING - This chapter contains serious subjects like Child Abuse (Physical, Verbal, Sexual, etc.), Self Harm, and Depression.

Age 2
It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon when the Bakugou family decided to go out to the park to celebrate Katsuki's first week of daycare. It was the first time the boy had been left alone by himself and he was scared. So his parents made a deal, if he could make it the whole week without crying he could go to the park, and Katsuki Bakugou never backs down from a challenge. So here they were, Katsuki playing in the sandbox while his parents watched him from a nearby park bench.

"Mommy look at my sandcastle!" Katsuki yelled happily as he pointed down at his finished project.

"I see, is it a royal castle?" Mitsuki said as she bent forward to see her son's creation.

"Yeah, there's a king and a princess and a prince and their dog and-" Suddenly a man appeared behind Mitsuki and her husband.

"Oh Hi there, can we help you?" Masaru said as he and his wife turned around.

"Yes actually. It seems that I've gotten myself lost, can you point me in the direction of the nearest gas station?" The man said as he leaned against a light pole.

Meanwhile, while Katsuki was making his castle bigger. He saw a woman with a bright red fire truck and some candy ushering him over to the bushes. Now, Katsuki's mom always told him not to talk to strangers, but free toys and candy. Who could resist that? So, Katsuki ran up to the woman.

"Thank y-" Was all Katsuki could say before a cloth was shoved into his mouth and he fell into a dreamless sleep.


When Katsuki opened his eyes, he saw that he was in what looked to be a gutted out van with a bunch of other children around his age. Some were crying, some were still sleeping, and some were quiet. But it didn't matter what state they were in because they all thought the same thing.

"I'm scared and I wanna go home!"

Age 3
Katsuki had been deprived of food for days and he was hungry. So he decided that while his abusers were gone he would try to climb the kitchen counters to sneak some food. Which led him to be stuck on top of said counter and a half-eaten bag of chips in his hands.

While Katsuki was trying to get down he heard a noise coming toward the kitchen. Maybe if he stayed quiet they wouldn't come in.




Unfortunately, he was wrong.

"What are you doing in here!" A man said as he stomped into the kitchen.

Katsuki froze. He didn't want to get punished. He didn't want the man to beat him and chain him in the basement just to leave him there for a week with no food or little water.

"I'll ask you one more time brat! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY GODDAMN KITCHEN!" The man yelled while stepping closer to Katsuki and grabbing him by the neck.

"I-I w-was h-ungry and and I w-wanted food," Katsuki said as he struggled against the man's hold.

The man threw Katsuki on the floor and yelled something Katsuki couldn't hear. His world was becoming blurry and he couldn't feel his body. All he had was one thought in his brain-

"Help, this can't be happening!"

Age 4
It was currently 3:00 A.M. and Katsuki was being thrown over someone's shoulder, so they could take him to their room for what felt like the thousandth time this month. He was only fully aware of his situation when his body was thrown onto a soft bed. When the person realized Katsuki was awake, they quickly stripped him of his clothes and flipped him over on his stomach. They also tied Katsuki to the bed frame so he wouldn't be able to escape.

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