Chapter 2

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WARNING - This chapter contains serious subjects like Self-harm, Depression, and Depersonalization/Derealization.

Katsuki had been thinking about this new alter all day. He wondered what their name was. Did they have a name? What kind of person were they? More importantly, why did they harm the body?

Suddenly, Katsuki stopped thinking and started listening. He felt a presence trying to talk to him. That's when he heard it—a single word.



This sudden outburst caused Katsuki to flinch slightly as he stepped back from the railing of the balcony. What was that? He'd never heard, nor felt this presence before. Maybe it was the new alter? It had to be. No one else in the system had a presence like this. One that made him feel so full of dread and despair. All of these emotions made his- their body feel heavy, as though they'd been plunged under water.

Wait,- when did he become we? This is too much. His- their- head was starting to hurt, and the world was becoming a blurry mess of colors and sounds as the familiar presence of Ryota started to take his place in the front. Relieving Katsuki and ... --- .-. .- of the unpleasant situation they had found themselves in.

When he was able to fully ground himself in the body, Ryota quickly made his way back inside. There, he fished out their system journal and documented the events that had just occurred.

"This is a mess." He sighed as he laid his head down in his arms and drifted off to sleep. 


The next morning, it was Katsuki that awoke in the body. While his memories of the previous night were foggy, he still felt slightly more anxious than usual. To top it all off, there was also a loud ringing in his ear.





"Turn the damn alarm off!"

Katsuki jolted as he felt Yumi's irritated presence and quickly fumbled around his bedside table to turn off the source of their combined annoyance.

"Hello to you too, bitch." Katsuki groaned quietly as he started to look at the time on his phone. It was 5:30 in the morning. Guess it's time to start getting ready, he didn't want to be late after all.

"Fucking jerk!" Yumi replied as she faded away, going back to whatever she was doing in the inner world.

That snide comment caused Katsuki to let out a short breathy laugh as he decided to get up from his bed and make his way to his private bathroom so that he could shower. He was lucky that his parents were well off enough that they could afford to pay for his single dorm room. Having a roommate would be stressful by itself, not to mention his unique condition.

After showering and brushing his teeth, Katsuki took out his school uniform from his closet and started to get dressed. It was while he was in the middle of tightening his tie that he started to freeze. All of a sudden, Katsuki felt a sensation around his neck that he could only describe as faint hands choking him before he quickly ripped the tie off and threw it on the ground.

"I don't need that stupid thing anyway!" He grumbled to himself as he started to unbutton the top two buttons on his shirt and turned away from his mirror. Great! Another trigger to add to his already extensive list. That school year had barely started and he was already having problems.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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