Jealous Binnie

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Third Person's POV :
Ye-jin's face broke into a smile as she saw her Binnie pouting on the couch. She just came to Bin's apartment, per his pleads, after a long day of shooting her new movie "Be With You". It was another romance movie so she was sure there would be some episodes of jealous Binnie during this period of time, but as much as it sucked, she loved seeing her boyfriend all pouty as he looked extremely cute, she's even guilty of purposely making him jealous at some point. As she stepped further into his living, eager to find out what made her boyfriend looking all cute—she meant pouty, she called out to him, getting his attention.

"Jagiya, what happened?" She tried so hard not to stiffle a laugh.

"Nothing." He just stepped into the kitchen grabbing a glass to fill it with water.

She has always loved the way Bin always took care of her. When they were filming their movie 'The Negotiation', there were times where she almost stumbled and he would support her arm, where she would finish a scene and he would hand her a snack, where he would hand her his jacket when she was cold or even gave her shoulders a soft massage after a tiring day. She was forever grateful for him and she dare say he might even be a little overprotective at times, but he never crossed even a milli-inch of the line. He just loves her so much.

"Jagiya, tell me, what is it this time?" She pulled Bin to face her.

He let out a long sigh.

"It's nothing, I told you." Keeping his pouty face, he handed her the glass of water.

"Omo, Binnie, are you jealous?" Her face broke into a little smile.

He couldn't resist seeing how her face would break out into a cute little smile and how her eyes would turn into a crescent shape whenever she did, so he too turned his frown and showed his dimply smile.

"Anniya, it's nothing, I just get a little bothered with the thought that you spent a whole day acting all lovey dovey with another man, while I stayed home and suffer from your absence." He pulled her into his arms, left a soft kiss on her forehead as her eyes twinkled looking up at him.

"Aigoo, my jealous oppa, don't worry, my heart is locked to yours, no man could ever steal it." She placed the glass gently on the kitchen counter and pulled her boyfriend's face to kiss his lips.

"You're the only one for me." She chuckled lightly.

"I know, I know, but I can't stop the stares and gape's at how gorgeous my girlfriend is." He went back to being his cute pouty self.

"Like I don't have to face the same thing, I can't stop the drools and squeals from all the women who's got an eye on you because you're just so hot!" she lightly smacked his butt.

He let out a big laugh and sniffed her lavender scented hair. He hugged her from the back as she gulped down the rest of her water both staring at the beautiful nightlife of Seoul from his penthouse apartment's floor to ceiling windows. Their attention was then interrupted by Ye-jin's grumbling stomach and they both let out a huge laugh.

"Alright yeobo, now let's get that stomach of yours fed. Takeout or home-cooked?" He asked.

"Let's cook we haven't done that in a long time." She said as they walked to the fridge to grab whatever groceries he had left.

One of their favorite activities to do together as a couple was to cook. They found little happiness in moments where they weren't BinJin the power couple, but just as Tae-pyung and Ye-jin who loves each other very much, in the comfort of their own home, with each other's warmth in the atmosphere. So then, they decided to grab the ingredients needed to make mandu, Korean dumplings. Bin was in charge of making the wrappers while his girlfriend started on the fillings. Ye-jin started draining the tofu, cut up the mushrooms, scallions, garlic and chinese cabbage and mixing it with the ground pork when she felt some light dust smacked on her left cheek followed by hints of laughter from Bin.

"Yaaa!! Kim Tae-pyung, you're about to get your ass kicked!" She jokingly yelled as she rushed to him wiping the flour on his t-shirt before proceeding to grab a handful of flour and throwing it at him.

The couple then got distracted and started to battle against one another on a game of how much flour can my boyfriend/girlfriend take before giving up. The loud echoes of their laugh sounded all throughout his apartment before he wrapped his arms around his lover's waist, both of them recovering from their laughs and continued on cooking with the mess surrounding them. Whilst waiting for the dumplings to finish steaming, instead of cleaning up, he walked over to his lover, arms wrapped around her tiny waist, foreheads pressed against one another.

"Alexa, play Moon River on Spotify."

As the tune played a beautiful melody, he swayed them side to side.

"Moon River,
Wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style someday."
He sang along.

"Oh, dream-maker,
you heartbreaker.
Wherever you're going,
I'm going your way."
She continued.

"Two drifters,
off to see the world.
There's such a lot of world to see."
They both sang.

"We're after,
the same
rainbow's end.
Waiting 'round the bend.
My huckleberry friend.
Moon River and me."
They swayed and pranced slowly, under the glistening moon, reflected from his window, arm in arm, swaying together.

The timer let out a beep, indicating that their dumplings were done. As they checked on their finish product, giggling over how they looked so botched up and feeding one another each, praising the flavor despite the unpromising cover. They munched until it came down to one last dumpling and Ye-jin snatched it in her mouth before Bin could even grab it. He looked at her pouting once more, upset that she took the last dumpling.

Giggling hard, she said, "Look at you Binnie, always so jealous!"

His face broke out into a big smile as he kissed his lover on the lips. Feeling very contented, they both smiled at the mess in the kitchen, thankful to be back into each other's arms and of course, Ye-jin, blessed to see jealous Binnie as he stemmed all the exciting chaos that happened that night.

[A/N] Hey guys! 👋🏻 I'm back with another chapter, some BinJin fluff for y'all. I hope y'all are still staying safe and happy in the comfort of your homes just as they are in the story above. :) What do you guys think about this chapter? Please leave your thoughts and feelings in the comments and perhaps leave some ways I can improve along with some ideas for my next chapter. Only if you guys want to of course hehe. Anyways thanks for reading, see you in the next chapter. Toodles!! ✨✨

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