The Fisherman

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[A/N] : Hey guys! Just a little disclaimer, I once read a story that has a plot like this one a long time ago and thought about how BinJin would look cute with this scenario. So I decided to implement some scenes of what I remember into this story but I hope you guys like them nonetheless! Credits to the author who created the original plot!
Third Person's POV :
The sun broke out in the wee hours of the southern coastal island of Geojedo. Feeling like she needed to get out of her hectic life back in the city, Ye-jin retreated to the small town hoping to find some peace and tranquillity from all the nuisance and burden that all came with being a heiress of a big company with high reputations which her father had built for the entirety of her life. Heck, she couldn't even be at a local convenience store late at night to buy snacks without her images popping out in the morning news the next day. So, she gathered her journal, camera, some clothes and toiletries, leaving her smartphone behind along with the pressures of keeping a good image and escaped to the scenic views of the coastal horizons. She rented a small little cottage on a hill that provided her with a view of the crashing waves and a glimpse at the fishermen that would head out at the break of dawn and come back to shore by the time the sun sets.

Opening the windows as she woke up, would fill her senses with the fresh scent of the ocean as a mug of steaming coffee would be encircled in her fingers. Sitting down by the swinging chair on the porch of the little cottage, she watched as the sun called out to everyone as if reminding them to begin their day. The seagulls would start squawking, the cafes would open their doors and the group of fishermen could be seen making their way to their respective boats, preparing to head out for the catch of the day. The perks of staying up on a hill, you get to see all the commotion that is happening below. She noted how much of a contrast it was to her daily views of the never-sleeping bustle of Seoul and how nice it was to see serene skies at times. After she freshened up, ready to venture out to the small little town, she headed down the cobblestone steps and stopped by the port where she saw the group of fishermen were, just admiring the colorful sails and how picturesque it was. Seeing them drag out the anchors with their waterproof overalls and rubber boots, drawing their nets and mending them meticulously, she realized how strong these men actually were and she had a newfound respect for them for all their straining efforts to put fresh seafood on her table. Looking at each boat, she realized they all have a name, some names seemingly pretty ordinary and some quite hilarious. It was then her eyes landed upon a man, probably in his mid-30s, scrubbing the front of his boat, cleaning all the algae and barnacles that were stuck to it. Oh and was he attractive. She saw how his biceps flexed under the t-shirt layered beneath his overalls, as a layer of perspiration formed over his handsome stubbled face, the sun reflected off his red cap, shielding him from the solar heat, his dimples showing off as his fellow fishermen waved to him. She was intrigued by him to say the least, very much her type. She probably stared at him for a good lengthy minute before the ringing of a passing bicycle snapped her out of her trance of thoughts. From afar, she lifted her camera to snap a photo as he worked his way around the boat preparing to sail out. A golden retriever could be seen peering out from the boat, awaiting its master. She shrugged her thoughts and decided to stop by a near cafe to get some breakfast before going about her day.

Later that evening, she headed to the farmer's market to buy some fresh produce and groceries for herself, not forgetting to get some flowers to brighten her cottage. As she was admiring all the different kinds of flowers available there, she saw the man that got her attention earlier that day. Him now clad in a maroon body fitting shirt and caramel shorts. He brought his catch to the vendors for them to sell, his golden retriever trotting behind, before proceeding to buy groceries of his own. There wasn't anything in particular as to why Ye-jin was so drawn to this man, she wasn't  even so sure herself. It could be his luscious silky hair, or his incredibly smooth skin, his handsome dimpled smile, or that aura that he brought around that promises trust and a good heart. She couldn't help but smile when a little girl went up to him, asking him to fly her around since he was so tall and then putting her down and ruffling her hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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