Darlings In Disneyland

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Ye-jin's POV :
To say it was a surprise, would be an understatement. When Bin came over to LA, just in time for New Year's and decided to stay over until my birthday, my heart just came to a halt over how sweet and caring he is. Dating has never been my thing, but seeing the way he is, the way he acts around me and how he always makes me feel special, made me realise why people chose to fall in love and settle down, it's a feeling of warmth that is indispensable. On exactly the midnight of my birthday, Bin surprised me with tickets to Disneyland. Since we're not in South Korea, we won't be swarmed by too many people there. I've always loved theme parks and Disneyland is no exception, in fact, Disneyland might just be my favorite and to say I was excited to be there with my lover, would be an understatement. I was beyond ready to drive up to Anaheim and just enjoy the Disney magic. So, when the day came, I was the first to get up and get dressed. I wanted to dress up since it was a special occasion. Slipping on my light pink checkered dress, I paired it with a comfy knitted pink cardigan. As California wasn't that cold in the Winter time, I wasn't too afraid of wearing too light.

"Good morning babe." Hyun Bin cheerily hugged me from the back.

"You're awake! I'm so excited for today!!" I giggled enthusiastically as I slipped on a knot floral hairband on my head. My hair was curled into little ringlets and rested perfectly on my shoulders.

"You look so gorgeous love, ready to experience the Disney magic?" He stared at me from the mirror, giving my temple a soft kiss before proceeding to the restroom to get ready.

"Yes! Now go get ready or we'll be late!"I smirked at him. I wanted to reach there as soon as the park opens as I wanted to spend the whole day there, so getting there even before the park opens is in fact an option.

Since the park opens at 8 a.m, by 6 a.m we
were already on our despite Anaheim only being a 22 minute drive from where we are.
We held hands as he drove around the bustling streets of The City of Angels. In no time, we were there as I excitedly got out of the car dancing excitedly around Bin as he shook his head and laughed.

"I got the honor of taking the biggest kid to the happiest place on earth." Bin said to me.

"YA! KIM TAE PYUNG! Come here so I can smack you!" I jokingly retorted.

As we walked through the ticket scanning point, we noticed that the place was already flooded with a number of people. I guess Disney's always busy no matter the time of day. I ran through the opening gates of Disneyland leaving Bin to scurry behind me. As soon as I saw the Mickey Mouse Garden and the train rails on Main Street U.S.A, I squealed like a kid on christmas day as Bin just shook his head and kissed my cheek. We then proceeded to look at the map we got earlier before deciding which ride we should get on first. We wanted to work our way from the left towards the right, ending our night back in Main Street. So we made our way to Adventureland.

Adventureland :
We decided to immediately queue in line for 'Jungle Cruise', one of the classics. After that ride we decided to go for a bit of thrills in 'Indiana Jones' Adventure Ride'. I was a thrill goer and so was my boyfriend so this ride was definitely a must-ride for us. The excitement from the start of the ride got me so giddy Bin had to hold my hand in to suppress my hyperactive-self. As we were taken through the ride, I enjoyed the beauty of the architecture and was really into the story, we held hands all throughout the journey, only letting go when the ride went down a slope to put our hands up getting the best out of the ride. We then stopped by to get some 'Dole Whip' as we heard it's a must-try while we're there. The food here like everything else, is so magical. I even made a whole list of must-try foods to eat! I then scooped some of the ice cream onto my lips and faced Bin with a pout. Knowing exactly my intentions are, he leaned down to give me a kiss while tasting the sweet frozen treat.

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