Chapter 1

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Tay and Lee have been friends from the time Lee had joined GMMtv as an artist, especially after their series Secret Seven, they had became close friends, but then they became busy with their own ships. Tay with New and Lee with Mork, there were a lot of rumors also going on in the beginning and mid of 2018 that Tay and New were secretly dating and with the whole GMMtv teasing Tay about this Lee felt that it would be better if he would distance himself from Tay and only be with him as his friend.

Lee had always had a special corner for Tay and he felt Tay also felt the same but then he saw that Tay behaved he same way with everyone as he behaved with him(Lee). He was a very affectionate kind of a guy who liked to hug you and hold your hand while walking and share and even feed you food so it was no use seeing something more in his actions.

Then came 2019, where in the beginning everything was fine and dandy, then suddenly there was a big rift between Tay and New, because of which the time tay spent with New drastically reduced and he(Tay) was all lost as he had no one to talk to, yes there was Off Jumpol but the equation that Tay shared with New was something different and he (Tay) felt very betrayed by what New had done and hence decided to be away from him and keep his distance from New. During this time Tay started to again try and connect with his old friends and one of them being Lee.

Lee didn't know what to do during this time he wanted to keep his distance from Tay as he didn't want those weird feelings to come back as he had with a lot of difficulty kept a lock on them, but his troblesome heart would not allow it, he at the same time couldn't stop himself from going behind Tay and try to fill his loneliness as he couldn't see the ever smiling and laughing tay sad and depressed, hence began the series of their calls, dinner date with friends and mid night chats.

Then came the Covid-19 lockdown which indeed reduced their interaction time as they couldn't be with each other the all time as they were before and he was okay with it as he thought that this would give him the opportunity of recoup as the old feelings that he had for Tay were coming back with a vengeance and he could do nothing to stop them.

Tay in the beginning was not that involved with going out and meeting and reconnecting with his old friends as he was very badly hurt by New and how he started to avoid him and his friendship just because of some crazy fans, and this was not the first time that New had done something of this sort previously also when ever New had a girlfriend and if she felt awkward with TayNew friendship, New would begin avoiding him and then would apologize and come back to him whenever he had a breakup and would feel lonely.

Tay felt as if he was a kept man because he was sure that New knew that he(Tay) had feeling for the guy and hence would behave with him in such a manner, but this time he would not forgive New easily and he is sure that the kind of bond that he had with New before was broken and would never be repaired to its previous state. Because this time it hurt Tay a lot more than before because New had given him hopes of something more than friendship with his words and he as a fool thought that those were real inspite of knowing that New had a girlfriend and Tay knew that it was also his fault to let these feelings grow inspite of knowing New's sexuality. Hence he had decided to reconnect with his old friends to try and divert his mind, he started to hangout more with his friends and group and in his group there was Lee who was like a balm to Tay and his chaotic life.

Being with Lee helped him to get over the betrayal, aswell as his own guilt of having feelings for his best friends, Lee gave him a sense of happiness and kept him well balanced being with Lee was different than being with his other friends like Gun, when he was with Lee he felt he had someone who would take care of him rather than he taking care of someone when he was with Gun, as Gun always required constant attention and at this time that was truly not possible by him. Lee gave him a sense of security that he had always felt with New because of which he couldn't stop himself from seeing him(Lee).

Tay was still very skeptical of his growing friendship and his feelings for Lee as he was scared than the whole New mess would repeat again and he would not allow that to happen with Lee as well but he couldn't control himself. On one hand he was happy that he could get over his gloom that he has surrounded himself with these past few months, but on the other hand he couldn't stop himself from falling for Lee and his quick charm and now he was in a constant dilemma of what to do, as he couldn't keep himself away from Lee.

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