Bonus Chapter (The pool side fun and questioning)

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Tay told Lee that he was fine with going to the pool side and he even promised that he won't exert himself and would immediately come back to the room if he felt that he was in pain or tired. With this they both changed and headed to the pool to meet up with the rest of the group. When Off saw them he waved to get their attention.

O: oww Tay why are you dressed like this won't you enter the pool...(Tay is wearing a jersey where as everyone are only in their swimming trunks, this was because Lee had left quite a few hickeys on him)

T: Aww who told you that obviously I will enter the pool....

O: Then why aren't you removing you jersey or are you going to enter like this only???

T: huh.. what's with the sudden interrogation(blushing) i don't want to remove my jersey and its my choice....

O: ok let's keep the jersey issue aside why are you walking so funny??? with this Tay's blushing intensifies and he looks and Lee for help..... why are you looking at him for or is he innolved in this somehow..

Both of them had never gotten to the point of discussing whether to be open to their friends about their relationship they were quite scared of their reaction as this could go both the ways and this announcement could not only threaten their friendship but their careers as well. Then Lee walked towards Tay.

L: Phi I think so we should tell them.. they are our friends who would understand us better than them.... we need them Phi......

O: What is all this secrecy about?

T: Off, the thing is but seeing Tay hesitating Lee squeezed his hand and decided to take the mantle...

L: Phi we both are dating....

They was a wide range of reaction that was given to them like Phi Off was quite shocked, where as Gun was smirking as if telling them he already knew, Oab was quite shocked but then he looked accepting and this was the general reach.. Shocked but then positivity which gave them hope that all was not bad and the people who mattered the most were not disgusted.

Oab: So P'Lee you were successful in making him your pet...

T: Akkee bastard

And with that the awkward tension broke and everybody began to laugh.....

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