Chapter 2

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Lee couldn't believe that Tay and New were talking again, Tay told him before-hand only about his video call but he was scared of past repeating once again and Tay again going back to New and being with New constantly, that Tay would forgive New. Lee knew that Tay had feelings for New as Tay had told that to Lee himself just recently and this news made him happy to some extent, because this means that Tay was not straight and that he(Lee) could also have a chance with Tay.

Lee had felt, with the past few days of Tays behavior towards him that he had a chance, with his constant calling, video chat and what confirmed his belief was when Tay on his own purposed to come to his(Lee) house on the context of feeling lonely. But now he was scared that all this would be for a not if New came back in the scene again. so he decided to distance himself from Tay for a few days.

Tay didn't know what to do, something was wrong with Lee as he was quite stressed from the past few days, this especially began after he told Lee about his upcoming video chat with New. Lee has suddenly become quite reserved and this didn't sit well with Tay he wanted to know what was wrong with him and he was quite fed up with this behavior of Lee. Because of this he decided that he would call Lee.

L: hello, Tay what happened??? is something wrong.....

T: why?????? Can I only call you if there is something wrong???? What is wrong with you??? why are you not talking to me properly???? have I offended you in some way???? Please tell me...

L: it's not that......

T: is it because I told you that I like New that you are a little awkward to talk to me.....(Tay feels that Lee is not talking to him properly because he is a bit awkward, as Tay likes a guy)

L: that is definitely not the case Phi

T: (in a sad tone) Then why r u not talking to me????? is it because I talk a lot....

L: No its not that.....

T(on the verge of crying) then why are you doing this.....

Lee could understand from Tays voice that he was about to cry and he was quite shocked as he knew that Tay was a kind of a person who doesn't cry easily....

L: P'Tay please don't cry its just that I think so we should maintain some distance(Lee didn't know what crap he was uttering)....

T: I knew it.... you don't want to talk to me bcz I told you I like a man right.....

L: Phi please its not that

T: don't lie I knew it....i shouldn't have told you that.... now I am going to lose a friend again

L: Phi you are not going to lose me phi.... please stop crying...

T: no its okay you don't have to pretend and know you feel disgusted...(begins to cry earnestly)

L: TAY listen okay I am not disgusted by you...........

T: (cuts him in the middle) no don't lie you don't need to pretend

L: (in anger) I LIKE YOU OKAY..... why can't you ever allow people to complete their sentence...

T: (I shock)........

L: are you even there

T: mmmm...

L: why are you not saying anything

T: (murmuring) .......

L: what I can't understand anything....

and then suddenly he hears the dialer tone....which means that tay had disconnected which sent lee into a panic mode....

L: ohh lord I shouldn't have said that.... fuck Lee how could you, Tay is crazy what if just disappears on me....ohh LORD why did I fall in love with a dork....

Tay was in shock, when he had called Lee he had never expected something this to happen, he didn't know what to do should he call him back and what was he suppose to say to him...... he was in a dilemma of whether to confess back as well or what to do..... and by that time Lee on the other hand had decided to come to Tays place.

When Tay saw Lee at his door he was quite shocked he didn't expect him to come especially during the current situation (please guys don't leave your houses during this COVID-19 lockdown and I am not advocating anything of that sort).

T: what are you doing here??? (and the first thing tay does is to sanitize Lee and then lets him enter his place)

L: why did you disconnect on my face..(in anger)

T: because I was shocked... and got panicked and cut the call (in a soft tone)

L: P'Tay what I said was the truth......


L: (he began to walk towards talk when he noticed that Tay was blushing instead of being angry which gave him hope and confidence... he cornered Tay near a wall) Chan Rak Khun Phii (which means I like you and not as a friend)

T: (with a red face)mmmmm....

L: Phi say something or I will kiss you

T: (still blushing) mmmm...

When Tay still reply anything Lee took that as a green signal and kissed Tay........

that's it guys

I will continue this with some bonus chapters I have some in mind but would post them later.... hope you like it guys......

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