All Through the Town, All Was Quiet... Except the Foot

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I looked around from on top of the rooftop. I was surrounded by the few actual human Foot left. Shredder and the group usually leaned toward the FootBots that some kind of pink brain blobs made in robot bodies a little similar to the Bots... Or so the rumor said.

But our small division was one of the last left. It was us and the most elite group. Thankfully, I was leader of this small group. Karai had the other group along with half of the FootBots.

We were all scouting, for we heard that the Turtles had been less active, so we were watching for just activity that looked fun for ninjas to do. We were jumping and challenging one another across and near the Chinese entrance.

While I let my troops let their energy run out, I watched the roofs carefully. Even though they said that the Turtles haven't been seen a while, we still need to keep an eye out for them. Another rumor has been spreading through the groups that they've gotten two more members, one of them a scaley Lizard and another a green, furry creature that could turn violent on the flip of a coin.

So we had to be more careful during outings. I was worried for myself because two of my friends disappeared. I was worried if me or Sophie were next... Nobody to remember us... No family or friends...

I sighed and leaned back against the one of the building's roof's doors. They were always locked from the inside so I didn't really worry about anyone coming through. I twirled a ninja star through my fingers and looked around the dark and empty city.

A shadow caught my eye. Karai's group she was commanding was on the other side of the city. But it was just one shadow too. It seemed to be going too fast for just being on foot. Was it on something with wheels? I stood up to get a better look as the shadow started at a glass triangle from one building and held a skateboard close.

Shocked, I ran to the edge of the building I was on, watching the shadow disappear to some smaler buildings. I looked at my group, who didn't see the shadow. They continued challenging one another. Shaking my head, I ran across the thin string of the China town bridge to a building across from it.

I ran to where the shadow had disappeared. I peered down cautiously, bringing my hand to my Katana. A Kurosama claw and chain came out of nowhere and hooked to the edge of the building. I backed up in shock as an orange-masked Turtle climbed up it with a skateboard in his hand.

Staying in the shadows, I watched as the Turtle hopped on the skateboard. He didn't go anywhere. But I could tell he didn't sense me because his focus was elsewhere. I silently unsheathed my Katana and started at him.

When I moved, that's when he saw me and turned and flung out the chain and wrapped it around my body, making my arms clamp to my body. I cried out and struggled.

"You're not a FootBot?" he asked, confused.

"Of course I'm not!" I shouted at him, trying to cut the chain with my sword. "Let me out!"

He looked at me carefully, his eyes cloudng over a bit and shook his head. I blinked in confusing as he came closer to me. I growled in defense and tried to swipe at him pitifully with my sword. His blue eyes came back to normal and grabed the sword from my hand and tossed it down.

"Hey!" I snapped. Who did he think he was?

He smiled in an innocent way before a skateboard swung at my head and knocking me out.


Laziness... Lol. Sorry for the shortness.

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