Now I Can't Go Back...

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I woke up in a scream, but it seemed muffled and unheard. I thought I heard screaming out shouting but it was a blur until my eyes started to focus more. My hearing came back and I groaned. A pair of blue eyes looked at me and I blinked in curiousity. I knew those eyes... But last I knew, they had a human face. Not a Lizard's face.

"Cindy?" she asked. Even her voice was the same.

"Naomi?" I muttered.

A shadow crossed Naomi's shoulder and another voice cried, "You know her name's Mikito!"

Naomi growled and turned her head at the orange masked Turtle who kidnapped me and snapped, "She doesn't remember being called that! Now stop it! You already did what you did to her!"

"Did what?" i asked, sitting up and reaching my hand up to touch my head. I paused. Did I see green?! I looked at my hand and I felt my heart stop and my breathing grew uneven. "Wh-wh-wha..."

"Easy..." Naomi said softly, reaching her hands out to try and keep me sane.

"What happened to me!?" I cried, looking at my hands then my feet and my front. "I'm a freak!!"

"Mikito..." the orange masked turtle whined. "You look like you did..."

"I was a human!" I snarled, reaching instinctively for a sword, but found none. "Just like Naomi and Julie! Did you change them as well?!"

"No..." Naomi looked at me. Her eye dug hard in mine. I gulped and looked down. "I was mutated by the Kraang and Julie bumbed into some mutagen in the lab."

"So I'm the only one that was basically made to be mutated by these Turtles?" I asked her. Naomi nodded and I glared at the orange masked Turtle and snapped sarcastically, "Thanks! Now I can't go back!"

"You're welcome," he smiled. I let my jaw drop a little. He could not seriously be this stupid... I shook my head and tried getting up but a heavy weight on my back made me fall back.

Naomi caught me and I tuned my head around to see a green-brown shell. I let my eyelids droop a little in hurt and I started tearing up. I cried more often when both of my closest friends were gone... But I still didn't want anybody to see it... This was too much though. I knew I couldn't go back because they turned me into something I never was. Nobody would remember me like nobody remembered Naomi or Julie.

Looking at me worried, the orange masked Turtle stepped up, but Naomi hissed at him, "Back off, Mikey. I think you've done enough!" At her outburst, Mikey backed up and looked at the ground. Naomi looked at me, "Come on... I'll show you your room, okay?"

I nodded and looked down, noticing how skinny Naomi was. I looked up at her, "Have you been eating?"

"Yeah," Naomi said as we left the room. "I just had an egg..."

"An egg?" I said. Wouldn't Shredder love to know that the Turtles are multiplying! Naomi looked at me suspiciously. I gulped and remembered that one of these freaks could read minds. Was this the one?

"Yes," Naomi said. I wasn't sure if she was saying yes from my question or my mind. But she continued anyway, "I just had an egg and I imagine Julie is expecting a child as well...."

"Julie?!" I said shocked.

That's when a standing green puff ball walked in, blinking. "I heard my name. What's going-- Mikito?" I frowned at the name and glared at her. Naomi cleared her throat and the puff ball looked shocked, "Oh.. Oh... Sorry, Cindy..."

I sighed and looked at Naomi. She smiled apologetically and the puff ball smiled. Looking at the puff ball closer, I realized it was Julie. And she was expecting a child as well?! I was shocked and gulped a little.

But nothing scared me as much as the ground shook a little and some scratching sounds were heard from the bigger room to the side. I looked over as a giant and slim head showed itself. It looked at me and blinked. I paused and looked at it back. A smaller and flatter black head popped up underneath the first one's chin.

"Dra.... Dra..." I stuttered, not wanting to say it to believe it.

"Dragons," the white one spoke up. I took a step back in shock as the white one continued, "And I see you are back, Mikito." His eyes looked beside me to Naomi and Julie who were probably making signs to change the name, but I was too focused on the two firebreathing lizards in front of me. "I mean Cynthia."

"My whole name?" I whimpered, scared out of my mind.

"Relax," the smaller one cooed, coming up to me. She had green eyes that shimmered and made me relax a little. "You are in a very safe place."

"More safe than when you were with Shredder...." the white one grumbled a little.

"Don't we know it," Julie sighed behind me. I looked at her curiously. What was she talking about? She wasn't in the Foot while I was. I would've remembered her. All the human troops usually worked together. Except for when we had to blanket the city for signs of the mutants I was currently staying with now.

Naomi shook her head and looked at the dragons, gesturing to the white one first, "Cindy, this is Shol." the dragon bowed his head. His blue eyes looked focused on me. I gulped from the intense gaze. Then Naomi gestured to the black one, "And Topaz."

"Why Topaz?" I asked.

The black dragon, Topaz, cooed in a broken manner, like she was chuckling, and said, "I was born in a cave with the red jewels. And some say my fire looks like the glimmering from the jewels themselves."

"Huh," I smiled.

"Would you like to see?" she asked with a troublesome look in her green eyes. I shook my head quickly and she made the chuckling sound again, "I was joking, young one."

I blinked, but looked at Naomi. She smiled and rubbed the top of my head with her palm. I whined and tried to push her hand away. She chuckled. "Let's go to your room, yeah?"

Smiling, I nodded. I wonder what it was like?

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