Chapter 9

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Later that same day in school you sat behind your desk and tapped the tip of your pen against the wood below your hand.

Miss Janeth was talking about some equation by the board but the numbers went into one of your ears and left right through the other again. Your brain was too preoccupied with going over different trollish words and letters to pick up the voice of anyone else around you.
Impatient for the class to end, your pen kept tapping on the table, making a faint, rhythmic clicking sound.
Nearly everyone around you either seemed annoyed by the noise or tried to ignore it but you, once again, didn't notice.

Only when someone nudged their foot into yours did you glance up and see Thomas throwing you a motherly 'pay attention' look, which drew a light sigh from your lips before you complied. All nonhuman topics were banned out of your mind, the pen was held still and you focused on the blackboard.

Math wasn't exactly your strength. All these formulas and parameters were hard to understand when you always spaced out for half of the time. But then again, that's what you had Thomas for. He could just bring you back up to speed after school.

Growing bored rather quickly, you allowed your (e/c) gaze to wander the other students' faces. No one really paid you any mind since you sat at the edge of the classroom near a spot where nobody usually looked, which meant that you had all the time to watch their expressions.

Jim looked concentrated but also tired. He must've stayed up to study again. Or maybe to eat dinner with Barbara?
Remembering the joined dinner from a few weeks ago, you wondered about if you'd be invited anytime soon again. Wanting to spend time with your friends was always a good excuse to get to eat Jim's cooking. Alone the thought of it made your mouth water.
So delicious…

Once snapping out of dreamland again, your eyes wandered over to Toby, who was more or less just visually drilling holes into the sky with an empty look of absolute disinterest. Looked like he was daydreaming about food -just like you had a second ago-, videogames or magic tricks again. You thought back even further and recalled the night you stayed at his place, playing that co-op game until you fell asleep. That had been fun.
You wouldn't be against doing that again as well.

After a short chuckle, your eyes settled themselves on Claire, the girl with the colorful barrettes and the blue streak in her dark brunette hair. You didn't talk much with her anymore but she wasn't that bad in your book. Although there was something about the way she was just so abnormally perfect that upset you. I mean, what kind of being is this beautiful, smart, funny and nice at the same time? Aside from androids, of course. It really made her appear like some kinda supernatural humanoid goddess.

Sometimes, that lack of mistakes was a bit annoying to you but at least she didn't act like a stick in the mud because of it. 
The best thing about her though was probably how easily she had Jim drooling all over the place. It was just too amusing to watch him act like a lovesick fool each time she entered the room.
Although you had noticed that he sometimes needed more time to settle with his eyes on her than before. Usually he'd be all heart-eyed the moment Claire as much as stuck her pinky into the room but now the lanky boy appeared to have grown a bit more reluctant regarding that.
One time, he even missed her nearly bumping into him by the lockers. A few weeks ago, he would've squeaked like a guinea pig and fainted on the spot.
You wondered why that was? Was he beginning to lose his crush on her? That would suck. They'd make a pretty cute couple.
But more importantly, a great source of entertainment for you.

Scratching your cheek as you glanced back to the front to make sure that it looked like you were paying attention, you thought back to how yours and Claire's parents used to work together and spend time with each other a lot. From what you remembered, they had been some kinda colleagues or friends from work which also led to you spending a lot of time with the Latina girl herself.
Those meetings stopped at a certain point though and since then you had rarely ever talked to her.

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