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Dia had been at Duffs for two days now, fully knowing that he was about to go on tour in two days again

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Dia had been at Duffs for two days now, fully knowing that he was about to go on tour in two days again. She was too scared to bring up the topic tho, because she knew that she couldn't just stay alone at her best friends apartment while he was touring. But she had nowhere else to go.

Since Dia resisted on bringing up that almost sensitive topic, Duff decided to do it.

"Diamanta, we need to talk." Duff mumbled, breathing nervously as he called Dia by her full name, causing her to immediately look at him.

"Don't call me that. It makes me think something's wrong." She said, her voice showing no emotion at all. Since the past two days, she had done nothing but think. She didn't cry anymore, she just thought.

"Dia, we need to talk about your, about our current situation." Duff started off. "I know that you know that I'm going on tour in two days again."

Her eyes filled with tears. Was he going to throw her out? Leave her?

"Hey, don't cry!" Duff whispered, pulling her into his chest as he noticed her glossed over eyes. "I just wanted to give you some opportunities."

"And what are these opportunities?" The girl asked, wiping the tears from her eyes as she sniffled softly.

"Imma be straightforward. You have three options: you're gonna stay at a friends or any family house while I'm on tour, or you're gonna stay at this apartment. Alone."

"That were two options." She smiled up at Duff.

"I know. The third option is that you are coming on tour with me." He said, sucking in a breath as he spoke the words.

She felt like it was too early to meet his band, that this whole idea was way too spontaneous. But let's not forget that this whole situation was a disaster.

Her gaze met his as she began to toy around with the blonde strands of his hair.

"I don't know, McKagan." She whispered. "I would love to, but you know that I am a person who likes to think about everything."

"I know. But I promise, you won't distract any of us."

She sighed softly. "Thank you, Duffy. But what about my clothes? And my other important things? They're still at Dave's"

"We're going to pick them up." Duff simply said. This whole situation seemed to easy to be real. Was it really going to be that simple for her to join a world famous band on their first tour?

It was sure simple for her to join. But the following days and weeks turned out to be not as simple as she expected them to be.

"I don't want to face Dave anymore..." She said, her voice barely above a whisper as she almost wasn't able to say his name.

"One last time, Dia, please. I'll go with you, I'll be there for you. I just don't know where you kept your stuff." Duff explained his logic to her. She sighed, which was a sign that he had convinced her.

"All of this...it just feels so...surreal..." Dia mumbled as they pulled up at Dave's apartment.

"It's a rush, Di, I know. But we can manage this." He promised, squeezing her hand tightly. "If I wasn't leaving for tour, you could've stayed at my place forever." He swooned, smiling a little.

Dia just gave him a tight lipped smile in response, her breathing quickening as she opened the door of Duffs car. Duff had insisted on driving her, since he didn't want to carry all of her stuff.

"Here goes nothing." She whispered, ringing the doorbell for a few seconds. A very groggy, hungover looking Dave opened the door for them, his eyes widening in shock as he realized who was there.

"What? You scared yet?" Duff joked.

"Absolutely not. Why did you bring that guy? You wanna crawl back to me?" Dave snapped, shooting toxic glares in Diamantas direction.

"We wanted nothing more than to collect my clothes. So if you would just move out of the way, so I could get the last few things of mine out of your house, thank you." Dia smiled sarcastically, making Dave almost furious. But both of them tried to keep their temper, even though they would've loved to rip each other's head off in that very moment.

"Just...make it quick." Dave gave in, motioning with his hand to let them in. This was going more smooth than expected...

Dia and Duff rushed to the bedroom, collecting all of her clothes, some of her make up and her glasses, before they ran out of Dave's apartment.

Dia flipped Dave off as she ran out the door, quietly giggling to herself. She knew that a hungover Dave was a lazy Dave, he wouldn't argue, fight or discuss whenever he had that pounding headache.

"We'll get through this chaos." Duff promised as both of them jumped into his car and he starte driving back to his apartment.

"I know we will." Dia suddenly smiled. "It's all a little spontaneous, but I guess sometimes the most spontaneous actions are the most right ones, huh?"

Duff glanced over to her. "God, I'm so fucking lucky to know you." He grinned as he shook his head.

The way Duff was smiling at her, the way he tried his best to upper her mood, it melted Dias heart. But not only that, it also caused a wave of sadness and guilt to wash over her, even though she didn't exactly know why.

Duff was the best she could've ever asked for as a best friend, but looking at him made her sad. It made her feel like he was just going to be a loving memory someday.

And maybe she was right.

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙮//𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙮 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙞𝙣Where stories live. Discover now