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"Duff." Dia sighed, trying to start off a conversation. "I thought about this...thing."

"Yeah?" Duff smiled, looking at her with his warm, brown eyes. She just responded with another smile, sucking in a deep breath.

The fresh air surrounding them two as they went for a walk felt good in her lungs.

"I don't know how I would be able to join you guys on your tour." She stated, kicking a small rock in front of her. "I have a job, I don't wanna depend on you."

After a short silence, Dia decided to speak up again.

"You barely have enough money to pay for things you need to survive, if I lose my job we will be homeless in a few weeks." The girl let out a quiet laugh. "Also, I cant just come between you and your best friends."

Duff started to think of a response after his best friend had finished her speech.

"Pretend to be my girlfriend." He shrugged.

"Pretend to be your- what?" Dia laughed, raising her brows.

"We're allowed to bring our girlfriends." Her best friend explained. "Just for the management."

Dia shrugged. There was no big difference in acting like a couple and being best friends with Duff, right? Sometimes people really thought that they were a couple, even though they were not.

"Guess we could give it a shot." She smiled, causing Duffs eyes to light up at her response. "But still, I don't wanna depend on you."

"I promise, this tour is gonna be a huge success. We already earned some money, we will earn more, Guns N Roses will be famous after this tour." Duff grinned. "After we come back, you get a new job and while you're searching you can live with me."

"You say it like it's easy!" She groaned, massaging the bridge of her nose.

"That's because it is!" Duff laughed.

"Let me...think about this." Dia finally gave in. "This is a big deal, you know?"

"Of course. Take your time, but not too long. I, or shall I say, we are going to leave in 2 days again." The man winked.

"God you make it sound irresistible!" Dia exclaimed, nudging Duff playfully, he just started to grin.

"And I promise, the tour is not the only thing that's irresistible." He smirked.

"Oh shit, what's about to happen?" Dias brows were raised as she asked the question.

"Have you seen my band?" He simply answered, shrugging. "I bet that you'll fuck at least one of them."

"Shut up Duff!"


They continued walking around in Los Angeles, Duff still trying to convince Dia to come on tour with him. He seemed to be so happy as he realized he was slowly reaching his goal.

Dia laughed the whole time they were together, and she was very surprised about being that happy after her boyfriend had cheated on her. Well, to be honest, she had spent two days in Duffs room and finally came to the conclusion that Dave wasn't worth it. It was definitely better this way.

"Look, Duff!" Dia suddenly squealed, pointing directly at the window of a shop. "It's almost halloween!"

"It's two weeks till halloween." Duff laughed, the memories of the past few years flashing through his mind. They had always dressed up for halloween, since it almost seemed like halloween was Dias favorite day of the year. They had always laughed their asses off at how people were looking at their strange costumes.

"Remember when I decided to dress up as a fry? And you went all red to symbolize ketchup?" Dia laughed, causing Duffs smile to stretch even wider on his face.

"How could I forget this?" He asked, putting his arm around Dias shoulder. "What do you wanna dress up as this year?"

"Let me think...maybe a zombie!" She beamed excitedly. "I've never been a zombie before."

"You'd be a good looking zombie." Duff commented, grinning.

"Stop with all the compliments!" Dia whined, hitting Duffs chest lightly, causing him to roll his eyes.

And that was when their relationship took a turning point, it was when their friendship was at the strongest, most indestructible point, but it also was when something new came up between them. Even if it was just on one side.


"We need to talk." Dia suddenly stated while taking a big bite of her burger. Duff just nodded, urging her to continue.

His cheeks were stuffed with fries and chunks of the burger they had ordered an hour prior. Dia laughed at the sight of her best friend looking like a squirrel.

"Alright." She giggled, finally calming down a little. "You know, I promised you that I would think about this whole tour thing."

She took a deep breath as she was about to announce the news that were about to not only change her, but both of their lives.

"Yeah?" Duff smiled, swallowing everything that was in his mouth. His deep brown eyes were sparkling with excitement and anticipation.

"I...I will come on tour with you." Dia smiled, as a big smile broke out on Duffs face.

"Really?" He whispered, standing up to embrace her in a warm and tight hug.

"Really." She whispered back. "This is gonna be so fucking exciting."

"I'm so freaking happy right now." Duff giggled. Dia whispered something inaudible, it sounded like some kind of 'I know', since she could feel his heart beating rapidly against his chest.

They truly were happy in that moment, wrapped up in each other's arms as you could see nothing but a big smile on their faces.

"I believe in you. You will make it big with that tour." Dia grinned, letting go of Duff.

"We'll be legends one day."

"Maybe, but always remember: no one likes cocky people!" Dia reminded him, returning to her seat, ready to stiff her mouth with fries again.

"But I'm right!" He defended himself, a glint of something unreadable flashing through his precious eyes.

Little did they know, he really was goddamn right.

𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙘𝙧𝙮//𝙞𝙯𝙯𝙮 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙞𝙣Where stories live. Discover now