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As the days, shows and parties on tour went by, Dia found herself getting closer to especially Steven and Slash

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As the days, shows and parties on tour went by, Dia found herself getting closer to especially Steven and Slash. They were always happy and fun to be around, while she wasn't that close with Axl and Izzy.

She sometimes talked to them, but it seemed like Axl was always with some kind of girl, while Izzy spent most of the time in his room or the bathroom, doing god knows what.

And before everyone could even realize that the fun tour life had started, the third leg was almost over and the boys had a couple of days off, before the next part of the tour was about to start.

"Please!" Steven begged, his big, blue eyes glossing over as he pouted at Dia. "Please come on tour with us again!"

"I- I don't know..." Dia sighed, her heart hammering against her chest. She wanted nothing more than to go on tour with Guns N Roses again, but she feared that she was a distraction for the boys.

"Why not?" Slash asked, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"I feel like I'm a distraction for you guys." She admitted, fiddling with her rings. "Maybe I am not welcome anymore."

"Oh shut up, you're always welcome." Axl suddenly chimed in, a smile plastered on his angelic face. Dia would lie if she said that Axl didn't look good, because he did. His face looked like it was sculpted by gods, but he had such a temper that Dia couldn't cope with.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"So is that a yes?" Steven asked, clapping his hands as his whole face lit up.

"I guess it is." Dia smiled.

"Also, you couldn't possibly miss the chance to meet Mötley Crüe." Duff winked. Dias heart felt like it was about to stop for a split second.

"Wait- what?" She asked, her heart rate suddenly increasing. Dia had been a fan of Mötley Crüe since 1981 and she had always dreamed of meeting, or just seeing them.

"Oh, Duff didn't tell you?" Slash quipped, holding in a laugh. "We're going on tour with the Crüe."

Dias head whipped in Duffs direction. He knew that she loved Mötley Crüe and he wanted to keep it to himself until he couldn't anymore, he somehow wanted to surprise her.

"You're kidding." Dia scoffed, her hands on her hips. "How could all of you keep your mouth shut?"

"Let's say, it wasn't easy." Steven admitted.

A smile spread on Dias face as she realized that she was about to meet the band of her dreams. She giggled as she ran over to hug Duff, because she didn't know how else she could express her happiness. Dia wanted to scream, but they were on a plane, so this would've been...inappropriate.

"Wait...so that means I'm about to meet..." She asked, Duff just nodded in response. "...Nikki Sixx?"

"Holy fuck, you're into him?" Axl grinned, Dia nodded eagerly.

"Can't blame her, he looks good." Slash commented, shrugging as he took a sip of his Jack Daniels.

"That was such a Slash-thing to say." Steven stated, making Dia giggle a little. Life was good.


"Okay, now what do I fucking wear?" Dia asked hysterically, rummaging through her bag in Duffs apartment. They had just come home from the tour, but Dia was already packing for the next leg, which was about to start in a couple of days.

"Have you seen my fishnets?" She asked, pulling out some black shorts. Duff shook his head, grinning.

"Why would you want to wear fishnets? You've never worn them before." He asked in a serious tone, even though Dia could sense that he was holding in a chuckle.

"Do you even realize who you guys are about to tour with?" She practically whined. "I don't know how to dress up to even get a tiny bit of their attention."

"Come on, they aren't that special." Duff rolled his eyes, slightly annoyed by Dias fangirling, yet he didn't know why.

She just scoffed in response, continuing on rummaging through her bag and Duffs closet to find some oversized shirts.

Dia was more than excited to stay on tour with Guns N Roses, with her best friend Duff and all the other boys. She had grown to love each and everyone of them for the past three weeks, and although she wasn't as close with Axl and Izzy, she still liked them. And now she was about to meet her favorite band, she couldn't possibly get any happier.

"Duffy?" She called out, pulling out one of Duffs shirt and putting it on. "Can I wear this?"

She heard Duffs steps in front of his bedroom, just before he opened the door, his eyes widening at the sight of his best friend in his favorite shirt.

"That's my favorite shirt." He pouted, but his brown, warm eyes filled with happiness.

"But it's so cute, isn't it?" She asked, turning around to look at herself in the mirror.

"It really is, but I couldn't possibly take the risk of you somehow ripping my favorite shirt." He smirked as he sat down on his bed.

"Why would I rip it?" Dias thoughts were drifting away, not quite getting Duffs joke.

"Well, I don't know what you're planning to do while wearing it." He shrugged. "But I do know that rockstars are pretty rough guys."

Dia suddenly realized what he was trying to tell her, her eyes widening at the sudden realization.

"You didn't-" She gasped. Her jaw dropped as her ocean blue eyes were fixing on Duffs brown ones.

"I'm sorry." He grinned, but as she didn't answer, he spoke up again, changing the subject of the conversation completely. "How about we get something from Pizzahut for lunch?"

She turned around, an unreadable smirk on her lips. "I would love to, thank you Duffy."

As Duff left the room, Dia started thinking about what Duff had just said to her. She was a little confused about his comment on her wearing his shirt. What did he think of her? Why would he think that she would start fucking each and every rockstar?

She quickly pushed the thoughts aside, smiling at herself in the mirror as Duff called her name from the living room.

But no matter how hard she tried to forget about this situation, these thoughts wouldn't let her go, and maybe one day she would realize something that was about to hurt.

A lot.

[a/n: Hi. First of all, I'm sorry for not updating for such a long time. I ran out of inspiration and I was distracted by what is happening in the world right now, it's unbelievable. There is a link in my profile, please sign the petition!! All of us need to stick together, forever♥️]

[a/n 2: Also, I'm sorry for talking about Nikki in my izzy stradlin fanfiction, but I have something major planned, so stay tuned!! :)]

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