Chapter 3

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Sorry in advance if my portrayal of their high school is confusing. I go to a charter school where classes are more like block periods that last for an hour and a half. I have 3/4 classes a day. (7 classes in total including homeroom/advisory) I am not entirely sure how public schools work, but Teen Wolf never specifically states how their classes are set up, so I am basing her classes off of my experience.


Eli had AP World History for the first class of the day and she was happy. Mr. Jefferson only shows a brief PowerPoint of the period they were covering, before putting on the History Channel, and making them take notes on the film that discussed said period. It was an easy way to start the day before heading to her difficult classes-more so teachers- like Mr. Harris.

She plopped down in her seat and offered a huge grin to her partner, Boyd. "How's my favorite history partner?"

Boyd didn't look to her direction since he was reading a book, but lightly chuckles when responding, "Just fine."

Eli reciprocates the laughter while casually slapping his arm as she says, "Trust me. The amount of time you've helped me with work. I am indebted to you for all of eternity."

He turned his head to look at her suspiciously, and she smiles sheepishly while rubbing the back of her neck. "You didn't do the homework, did you?"

She brought her finger up and accusingly said, "How dare y-"

He gave her a flat stare before she sagged her shoulders, leaned against her chair, and said in defeat, "I did the notes, but I didn't finish the vocabulary. Some words weren't in the book and I was busy with my brothers."

Boyd gave her a sympathetic smile and sighed in defeat. He turned to grab his book bag and she squeals in delight. He hands her the packet and she hurriedly snatches it from his hands. She hunchs over her desk as she copies the definitions from his packet to hers. "If I weren't in a hurry to finish before Mr. Jefferson came in, I'd kiss you."

"Please don't."

She stops mid-sentence and looks at him with faux-offense and hisses, "I'd like to let you know that I am an amazing kisser, thank you very much." She hmped for added effect to which Boyd responded with another chuckle and teasingly says, "Okay."

Before she could further defend her honor, Mr. Jefferson walks into the room and she hurriedly copies down the definition of the last word. He collected homework immediately after roll call, so she only had three minutes. Once she was finished, she tossed the packet back to Boyd as if it was a hot potato. "Thank you. I owe you one."

Boyd scoffs when he replies, "Yeah, I'll add that to the thousand other times you've said that to me."

"No, I've owed you a total of 364 favors and you have only collected 360 of said favors. That means that you only have 4 under your belt," She states smugly while she spins her pencil between her index and middle finger.

"I hate Biology," Boyd whispered under his breath.

Mr.Jefferson called out their row and they both stood up to turn in their homework. Eli pats his back and comments, "Not as much as I hate math."

She confidently hands in her homework- despite the chicken scratch that was on her vocabulary list and the semi-legible handwriting that was her chapter notes. Mr.Jefferson gave a knowing stare but didn't make any comment when he accepts the work. Eli just gave him a wide smile before turning back to her seat.

"He knows but he never says anything," Eli mutters to Boyd while they waited for their teacher to set up the PowerPoint.

"As long as you don't cheat on the quizzes or tests then he could care less about the homework. You just need to complete it and turn it in on time," Boyd casually dismisses.

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