(Harry x Reader) Jealous

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Y/n's POV

"And he catches the snitch!" Lee shouts.

Gryffindor won the house cup. (If you're in another house, just imagine you'd rather have Gryffindor win than the house it was against.)

I cheered loudly next to Hermione and Ron then get down to meet the oh so handsome Gryffindor seeker. He's occupied. The rest of the team is carrying him, but I catch his eye and give him a thumbs up. He smiled wider than he already is.

I pull one of the twins from the crowd.

"Party in the commons?" I grin.

"Hell yeah!" he shouts.

"Come with me to get the butterbeer and firewhiskey this time. I'm getting some things for the team as well," I said.

"Ooh something for the Golden Boy?" he teased.

I regret telling the twins anything. I roll my eyes but nodded.

"Oi Weasley, you're blowing my cover," I whisper-shouted.

He stuck out his tongue as I reached for a snitch with a cloth, hiding from the shop owner. It's not technically stealing if I ordered it before hand and left money for it on the counter (with a note of course.) It was the last thing I was getting.

I got something for each member, but Harry's was the most special. I had his name engraved on it with a little heart on the end.

Once I had everything, I smiled as we went to the Honeydukes cellar.

"What did you get us?" the twin asked excitedly.

"Shh you'll find out later," I whispered then looked at the amount of butterbeer and firewhiskey he was carrying. "Do you need help with that?"

He smiled then shook his head. We continued to get back to Hogwarts and arrived under the statue of the Humpback Witch. I went through first then helped him with the butterbeer and firewhiskey.

Everyone cheered when we got in seeing the drinks we had in hand. We laughed then set the bottles down.

I looked around for Harry then frowned when I spotted him. He was lip-locked with the youngest Weasley. The twin I was with looked at me then nodded at the bag mouthing, "Do me last."

I shrugged and called everyone's attention telling them I got gifts for the Gryffindor quidditch team. I did as the twin said.

"A quaffle for each chaser, new gloves for the keeper, a snitch for the seeker, and bats for the beaters," I said handing each one out with a smile.

"And a kiss from yours truly," the twin said as I got to him.

He leaned in, and I just kind of went for it. I took his shirt and pulled it to me. There were wolf whistles and cheering around, and I let my frustrations out in the kiss.

It sucked though since I was imagining someone else. He was probably too. I knew well enough that Fred was into Jordan, and this one seemed to be kissing me like I was.

I laughed when I pulled away and whispered in his ear, "Are you imagining me as Jordan?"

"You're imagining me as Harry," he smirked.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Harry. He looked incredibly jealous, and he was cute when he was jealous. I winked, and he glared motioning for me to follow him.

"I think I'm getting some," I told Fred. "Now, go on. Get Jordan."

I went to meet Harry out the commons. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips made a frown.

"Hiya," I said leaning against the wall.

He made a frustrated noise and pinned me against the wall.

"You're impossible," he said.

"And you're going to try to do the impossible?" I flirted.

He snogged next hard, and my knees instantly grew weak.

"What happened to Gin?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Doesn't matter," he said then targeted my neck.

That was going to leave a bruise. Slowly, clothes were being stripped away, but we were interrupted.

"Care to take it elsewhere?" the Fat Lady asked, clearly disturbed.

I laughed, "I like you Harry. Be my boyfriend."

He nodded with a half smile, and we put our clothes back on a bit lazily. Everything that happened in the commons was forgotten, and we were together now.

At least, everyone knew from the mark on my neck.

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