(Hermione x Reader) Love Me

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requested by @Azureman136
author: i'm sorry. i'm not that evil. i hope ya like it though! :)

edit: just fixed some spelling errors

My eyes opened to see I was in some bedroom under a blanket; I was the only one inside. The scent smelled familiar, and it was one I adored. It was of Hermione Granger. I smiled. I could get used to this.

My chest felt a bit heavy though, and I felt the need to cry. I missed the war, and my father had died. Dumbledore found seven horcruxes, but Potter was a mistake. I was seven, and he was eight. It was worth it to have my one true love though. Still can't believe she asked me to run away with her.

My wand was on a table nearby. I sat up and walked to it, but before I could take it, someone took hold of my elbow. I froze and looked at the hand restraining me. I smirked, relaxing immediately.

"How do you do, 'Mione?"

With my left hand, I took off the invisibility cloak.

She scoffed, "Why do you ask? I know who you are."

"You always kne- You figured out Voldy's my father. You found out I was a horcrux, and you think I'm evil. You were planning to kill me!"

She hesitated before saying, "Not at first. You're evil, and you know it!"

My shoulders slumped, and my eyes began to water.

"Fucking hell I'm not- I don't think I am. I'm just in love with you," I said softly.

I made eye contact for a second before choosing to push her off and reach for my wand. I felt a bit bad though. 'Mione hit the floor hard. As soon as I had my wand in hand though, I used the first spell that had come to mind.


No light shot out.

"Obliviate! Obliviate!"

I soon realised she was out cold—not by my wand but by my earlier actions. I went backwards but fell on my butt. Tears started streaming down. I soon chose to crawl towards her.

"Obliviate," I whispered, "If you can't love me back, at least, be alive."

I took her to lay her on the bed, and I went out for breakfast.

- - -

'Mione came out a few minutes later with a smile on her face.

"Why does my baby look so sad?"

She went over and pressed a chaste kiss on my lips. I giggled into it. It worked.

"Doesn't a smile look better?"

"I don't know. I think I always look good."

"You do. I just like it when you're happy."

"Sit down. I made breakfast."

She did and then looked at me. Her eyes were suddenly serious, and I bit the inside of my cheek. She leaned closer to my ear.

"That was a stick. I love you too, idiot."

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