Mornings Together

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Hello!  The photo is rather irrelevant, however I thought it was pretty cute.

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The two of us fell asleep during a movie on the couch, yet when I peeled my eyes open I was in Niall's room. He must've moved me at some point last night. I could feel his arms wrapped around me, his light snores still filling the room.

The light was trying to pour in from the blackout shades in here. I slightly pulled out from his grasp to grab my phone. I managed to grasp onto it and check the time. It was nearly noon. Looking over my shoulder it looked like he was still out like a rock.

I wiggled out of bed and slipped on a pair of Niall's joggers, the apartment has been freezing lately. He has been refusing to turn up the heat because it is 'too warm out' to have it on. Yet it has been freezing rain the last few days in London. I quietly waltzed out of the bedroom and shut the door behind me.

Before making my way into the kitchen I quickly picked up our mess of blankets from the living room and grabbed our popcorn bowl off the table. Once I finished doing that I turned the stereo on but on a low volume to not wake up Niall. Carrying the clutter of cups and the bowl into the kitchen I quickly put them into the dish washer and began to make breakfast.

Grabbing flour and such to make pancakes I mixed up the batter to the sound of the music, Niall always tells me that my music taste is either very basic or eccentric and there is no in between. Now that I have the batter done I was rustling through the cabinets to find a pan. Ni was always rearranging where everything is. I finally found them across the kitchen from where they usually are.

I was dancing in the kitchen with the spatula in hand as I was making the pancakes.

I felt hands snake around my waste, spinning me around seconds after.

"Good morning love." A shirtless, messy haired Niall smirked as he kissed me.

"Morning Baby" I grinned at him turning back to the pancakes.

"Have you claimed all of my clothes as yours now or what?" He giggled handing me the plate full of pancakes.

"If it weren't freezing in this bloody place I wouldn't need to steal it all." I shook my head at him.

"Nope, not turning the heat up. It will be warm in like two days!! Maybe I'll turn it off completely to see you in more of my clothes. I kind of like it." He smirked coming back to wrapping his arms around me.

"If you do that you won't have personal space because I would have to come steal all your warmth." I tried to protest (no jimmy protested , lmao I hope y'all catch the reference)

"You say that as if I would mind."

I pulled the last two pancakes from the stove, turning off the burners.

Niall made two cups of coffee and carried them over to the dining table where I was waiting for him with our pancake breakfast.

"I love it when you make breakfast, even if I am trying to cut out carbs." He smirked as he shoved a wad of pancake into his mouth.

"I love it when you do the dishes after I make breakfast." I wiggled my brows at him.

He frowned, "You always make such a mess when your cook though."

We finished breakfast and to Niall's dismay he was doing the dishes.  

"I am heading to shower!"  I said as I peered around the corner into the kitchen.

He just nodded and gave me a thumbs up.  I made my way back down the hallway and into the bathroom.  I turned on the shower and gave it a moment to get warm before hopping in.

Soon I was out of the toasty warm shower, in my towel I was heading to the closet.

"I say you keep that on all day."  Niall smirked as he rounded into the closet.

"Only if you turn the heat up."  I spun to look at him.

"In that case, here you go."  He said handing me a stack of clothes.


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