Party of Three

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This is a request for eternalnamjoon ! hope you enjoy it!!

Anyone feel free to leave a request or message me for one if you don't want to be tagged or anon :)


It's Niall and I's 5th wedding anniversary this weekend, we have friends and family from all over coming to stay and celebrate with us.  Over the last five years we have been pretty busy, Niall has toured and wrote another album and not to forget the fact that we are onto baby number three already.  We have little Sophie who is 4 now and baby Jack who just turned 2, plus our little surprise baby who is due in the next few weeks.

"Mumma, look."  Sophie was holding up a drawing of a cat, cats have been her new favorite thing this week.

"Wow babygirl, that is just amazing." I said grabbing the drawing from her and taping it onto the playroom wall where there were many more scribbled drawings.

"Love, Jacky just woke up and he is really fussy, please help."  Niall called from Jack's room.

"You stay here and draw daddy a picture." I kissed Sophie on the head and walked down into Jack's room. 

Niall was standing next to the crib holding Jack.  As soon as Jack saw me he put his arms out.

"Ma ma."  Jacks little voice cooed out and wanted to be in my arms.

"Hi buddy." I said as Niall handed him off to me. 

"Why is he such a momma's boy?"

"The same reason Soph is a daddy's girl!" I smirked.

"Harry said he'd be here sometime tonight, is the guest room all set for him? The kids are so excited he's coming." Niall grinned, he claims the kids are excited but it's more him.

Ever since we had Sophie, Harry has grown really close to our growing family. Our kids love him and he is Uncle Harry and is clearly the favorite uncle even though he isn't a biological one.

"Lets go finish that up, I'll put just in the play room with Sophie."

*Hours later*

It was 8 pm and I was back in Jacky's room rocking him trying to get him to bed.

"Momma, daddy said unky Har is coming!" Sophie yelled as she came running into the room.

"Hunny shhh.. He is coming for a few nights, but Jacky needs it to be quiet to go to sleep!" I smiled at my blonde little girl.

Jack was sleeping within a few more minutes, I walked out into the living room to see Niall and Soph laying on the floor reading a book.

"Hey momma." Niall said with a smile on his face.

"Unky Har is coming!" Sophie yelled again.

"Sophie James, you need to use your inside voice. Or you will be in bed before Harry is here." I said in a stern voice, I don't Jack up again all night tonight.. he slept less than 6 hours last night, which is not ideal.

"I'm sworry momma and daddy and jack jack." She said as she put out her pouting lip.

"Go give mommy a hug." Niall said sitting up.

My little blonde girl came bounding over to me and grabbed my legs, "Love you momma." She said.

"I love you too Sophie." I brushed my hand through her hair.

"Go play?" She looked at me with her big blue eyes.

"Yes you may, just be quiet for Jack." I smiled.

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