You're Pregnant (PT 3)

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Niall and I have just returned home from the states after publicly announcing our little babes arrival. We had been New York for a few weeks along with stopping in California to visit some friends and family.

"Bub, I cannot wait to just chill out on the sofa and snuggle you and babes." Niall said as he finished loading the car up, as he won't let me do much these days.

"Your mum is coming, we can't just nap and watch movies the moment she arrives." I laughed as I said as Niall shut the trunk of the car.

"We will see I suppose." He somewhat grunted.

He pulled my hand into his as we drove out of the parking structure of the airport.


Shuffling into our apartment I noticed a pair of shoes by the door that must be Maura's.

"Oh hello! I am so excited you two are back!!!" She exclaimed as she came bounding from the kitchen.

Her and Niall exchanged hugs.

"And (y/n) I have missed you so much! My goodness your little belly isn't so little anymore!" She smiled pulling you into an embrace and setting her hand on my bump.

"It is so nice to see you!" I smiled, "And yes, the little babes is getting quite big. Supposedly babes is around the size of a mango according to the app I have." I laughed.

"I am honestly so excited." She said rubbing my belly once more. "Any kicks yet? I know I asked Niall a few days ago.. But as I said I am pretty excited."

"No." I frowned. "But last I talked with my mom she said she didn't feel anything until she was 25 weeks the first go around, and I am at 23 so I am hoping soon."

"I sure hope it happens when I am here!" She squeezing my hand.

"Mum what are all of these boxes." Niall asked gesturing to two large boxes sitting in the living room.

"Well since you two don't know the gender and I am on team boy.. I brought some things I saved from when you were a baby." She gushed.

"You're team boy?!" Niall exclaimed. "You're supposed to side with me!!" He said in a joking tone.

"Love, what side are you on?" Maura asked as she turned back to me.

"Honestly I am very up in the air about it! Some days I am dead set on babes being a little girl and others I am set on baby boy. The only thing I know is that I already love this babes more than I can explain." I smiled knowing it was such a cheesy answer.

"Babes will truly have the most loving parents huh?" She said tilting her head smirking at me.

"Of course mum." Niall said pulling her in for a hug.

"How about you kids go freshen up after that flight, and I make some dinner!"

"Thank you." I smiled as I followed Niall down the hall.

"You first or me? I don't feel like showering together while your mum is in the place." I laughed plopping down on the bed.

"You of course love." He smiled. "But I do want to do this quick."

Niall came leaning in and was kissing me in seconds. I had my hands in his hair, and him switching me to be sitting on top of him.

"I love you, I can't wait to see you be the best mum."

"I love you more.. daddy." I laughed, watching his face go red.

"I don't know if I can handle being called that." He laughed.

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