First Sleepover

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Hey I'd love some requests, working on PT 4 of the pregnancy one and an AU!! But please request some !
Tonight was the night, Niall was spending the night at my house. We've accidentally fallen asleep together but we've never intentionally spent a full night together.

I'm in the kitchen working on getting dinner ready before Niall gets here.

"Bub, where are you!?" I heard the familiar voice call as the front door shut.

"Kitchen!" I called back.

Moments later he came waltzing into the kitchen with a bags.

"Hey Ni, what do you have?" I asked wrapping my arms around him.

"Well I have my bag for the night, along with this bag with some movie night snacks and candy." He kissed me then set the bags down.

"You're so sweet, if you want to go put your bag for the night in my room you can." I smiled turning back to the chicken I had on the stove.

"Sounds good, I'll be right back." I heard his steps lead down the hall.

I emptied the bag of snacks Niall had and organized them into their coordinating spots.

"I forgot you're more of a clean freak than I am." I heard Niall laugh as he got back into the kitchen.

"Only with somethings... Or everything." I smiled.

"So what's for dinner tonight?" Niall asked as he leaned into the corner of the counter.

"Chicken and pesto pasta.. Maybe a salad, not sure how the lettuce in my fridge is looking though. I've been slacking on shopping." I laughed.

I spun around and opened up the fridge and found my bowl of lettuce which looked rather wilted and brown.

"Maybe a salad isn't in the cards for tonight." I giggled and I tossed the remaining lettuce I had in the trash.

"That's fine by me." Niall said taking out plates and setting them out. "Have I told you that I love how happy and homey it is at your place?"

"No you have not Ni, but thank you!" I smirked as plated the food.


"Dinner was a smash bub, I'm so full I don't think I can have movie snacks yet." Niall said rubbing his stomach, we've been laying on my couch for about and hour now.

"Yeah? I'm glad you liked it." I said running my hands through his hair.

Niall rolled over and pulled himself up to my face.

"I'm pretty happy to spend a night with you."  He kissed me.

I pulled him in for a deeper kiss and kept my hands in his hair.

He flipped me over so I was sitting on top on him. We deepened the kiss, attempting to gain dominance with this kiss I struggled and he easily took it. He had his hand running up my back and grabbing my hip with the other.

"Bedroom?"  He asked only breaking the kiss for a moment.

I nodded my head and before I knew it I was picked up and being carried down the hall.

After making it into my bedroom Niall laid me down on the bed.  Pulling him self on top of me, I took his shirt off of him.  He soon followed and had my shirt on the floor within seconds. 

"I'm grab a condom.." Niall said standing up and walking over to his bag.

I just smirked at him.

He began rustling through his bag and looked confused.

"Everything all right?"  I asked sitting up.

"I don't think I have any, I could've sworn I put them in the bloody bag." He rolled his eyes as he continued to look.

"Well I guess tonight isn't the night then."  I laughed.  "Which is totally fine, we can just hang out in my bed and watch a movie here?" I asked.

"You sure? I can run to the store quick?" He asked walking back over to me.

"Ni, I'll live without it for a few more days.  We've already waited a month, a bit more will not kill us."  I said reaching my arm out for him.

He met my reach and grabbed my hand, I pulled him into my bed and wrapped myself around him.

"I'm glad that sex isn't the only thing on your mind."  He kissed my forehead. "But your mattress is awful (y/n)! We're sleeping at my place next time, also let's go brush our teeth before I'm passed out and have rotten breath in the mornin." He laughed pulled away from me and grabbed my hand and helped me up.

We went and brushed our teeth, Niall was using the bathroom and I took this time to my advantage and dug a t-shirt from his bag and slipped it on with my shorts to sleep in.  I was wrapped up in bed by the time Niall got back.

He tossed his shirt on top of his bag and pulled a pair of pj pants on and walked over to bed.  He slid in next to me.

"Nice shirt bub."  He said pulling me into his chest.

"Thanks, found in my closet." I laughed.

"If that's what you want to say."  He shook his head. 

"I could get used to having you in my bed a lot more often."  I said kissing his cheek.

"Okay, come sleep at my place tomorrow.  You'll see what a cozy mattress is like."


Hope you all enjoy this quick lil update!

Lemme know what you think : )

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