You Breakup(PT2)

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It has been about a week since I packed my bags and left Niall's apartment. I have moved back into my parents until I find another apartment, they aren't even home so they've been panicking.. I should have never moved in with him.

Niall has been calling and texting me like crazy, he showed up here yesterday but I was at the store and missed him, I can't say I wanted to see him anyway.

The familiar ping of my phone was going off, I assume it is Niall so I'm going to ignore it and go get ready for the day.. Not that I am going to be doing anything. I went to the bathroom and hopped into the shower and continued getting ready for the day.

I was wrapped in my towel when I grabbed my phone and noticed Lewis had called me. I decided to call him back, him and I have been pretty close the last few months.

It rang twice before I he answered.

"(Y/N)! Hello! How are ya?" Lewis asked in a cheerful voice.

"All things considered not great.." I sighed.

"I have extra tickets to my charity show tomorrow! I want you to come, bring some friends!" Lewis exclaimed.

"This isn't a Niall ploy is it?" I asked, knowing damn well those two are better friends that what we are.

"I mean he's playing but he doesn't know I'm asking you this or even that I'm calling you."

"Okay, fine I'll come.. Just two tickets is fine!" I grinned, I love concerts.. Not sure if I'll love the Niall aspect.

"I'll be over in a bit to drop the tickets! See you soon." He sounded excited.

I quickly got dressed and threw on the first things from my suitcase, which I'm still living out of.

Within the next hour or so there was a thud on the door, I walked to the door and saw Lewis grinning through the window.

Pulling the door open I said "Hi Lewis!" I smiled and pulled him into a hug.

"So nice to see you (Y/n)! I've been missing you." He smirked, I gestured for him to come inside and he did.

"I've missed you too! It's been awhile.." I frowned and we both knew why we haven't seen each other.

We were chatting for awhile before he handed me an envelope with the tickets in them.

"Make sure you come see me backstage afterwards." He smiled as I tucked the tickets into my sweatshirt pocket. "Isn't that Niall's?" He rose a brow.

"Isn't what Niall's?" I asked honeslty not realizing.

"The sweater. But I have to get going." I looked down when he said that and realized that it totally was Niall's sweater.

"Oh... I didn't notice.." I frowned, and looked back to Lewis.

"He's been sleeping with one of your sweatshirts." Lewis looked uncomfortable.. "I shouldn't have said that.. I'll see you tomorrow at the concert! I promise I won't mention it to Ni that you'll be there." He half smirked and looked sad again.

"See ya Lewis! Can't wait for tomorrow." I smiled as I walked him out.

It hurt my heart to know that Niall is still hurting just as much as me if not more than me.

*The next day*

I was waiting for my longtime friend Grace to pick me up for the concert.  When I told her about it yesterday she was bouncing off the walls, she absolutely loves Lewis's music.. I mean who doesn't.

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