Principal Teacher Combo?

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{3rd POV}     

            Nezu can't help but grumble at the amount of extra paperwork the Quirk Commission piled on him about different villain quirks and analyzing them for said commission, not to mention being a newly appointed Principal with a small teaching responsibility. Having papers coming out of his ears is not fun. But what he was not expecting to reach his sensitive ears is the sound of babbling? Stopping and retracing his steps from the entrance of UA; the sight of what appears to be a large picnic basket that looks to be worse for ware.

      The fall wind blows through the trees, the leaves decaying lightly permeating the air. The basket is a faded teal with chipped paint, reveling the dark organic fibers beneath. The sounds of Cooing and Babbling drift from the basket. Finally nearing it and flipping one of the lids to the container, big vibrant emerald eyes stare back at large black ones. Small chubby hands reach up and out of the basket, seemingly grabbing for something. 'Could it be me the little one wants?' Reaching down into the basket and pulling out the small child wearing a pink onesie that looks to be worn like the blanket and a ratty blanket following along only to drop to the basket. The fluffy haired child squeals excitedly while stretching out, a note falls to the ground from the remanence of the blanket.

   "To whom may have taken in this child.

   I have brought her out to this location in hopes a hero may raise her.  She was born to a powerful man with a terrifyingly powerful quirk. I can only ask that you raise this little one to be better than her father so that she might oppose him. Best wishes    -IM"

     Nezu could only agree with who ever might be IM. Smiling softly and pulling the little human close to him, Nezu puts the blanket and note into the basket and picking it up by the handles, he holds the little one close to him as he begins his trek back onto the campus. "Let us go little one! I shall see what I can do to keep ahold of you". Walking onto the empty campus, being a principal and all requires being there before most of the staff. Getting into his office, Nezu pulls a contact out of his list. A young detective with a good future and friend of Nezu's.

  The phone rings a few times before a sleepy sounding individual picks up the other line. "Hello, who's calling this early?" Nezu only chuckles before replying. "Only one color, but not one size, Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flies. Present in sun, but not in rain, Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. What am I?" The voice on the other end sounds tense but the  seems to relax and a chuckle resounds from the other side.

    After a short pause before the other voice replies "Hello Nezu-san ... is it a shadow?" Nezu can only grin broadly "Yes it is! Good morning Tsukauchi-san. I'm sorry to wake you before your shift, but I just recently came into possession of a young human-" Nezu looks over to see the fluffy haired child sleeping on the couch in his small jacket that he had dapped over their small form. A small fond smile reaches his features. "I'm hoping you can help me adopt the small one, and I have a reason to do it as well. You see, the letter she came with says that she's the child of a very powerful man, probably not a very nice one from what I can infer from the letter, could you help me adopt this little one?" Tsukauchi seems to hesitate before letting out a sigh of defeat "I'll do what I can Nezu, but are you sure you can handle it?" Nezu only chuckles at his question "Yeah, I am sure, I just need to do some research and I am sure I can handle the young human, and it will allow for me to learn and hopefully help teach my own students better". The young man sighs again "Okay Nezu-san. I'll come by with the papers for it later, and once its all signed, you'll have to wait for the court to decide".

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