About the City

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[Gore Warning]

Opening the door very quietly, Yagnesh slipped in, Finn close behind. He moved a hand to his belt and got out a knife ready to throw. But Finn held up a hand and, instead, indicated towards the other door. Rolling his eyes, Yagnesh began moving towards the other side of the room.

Finn reached into a tightly hidden pocket in his pants and pulled out a cloth. A breath and he started moving towards the lady. Keeping eye contact with Yagnesh the whole way, he arrived behind the chair and stood.

A movement.

The woman lurched from her chair.

Her mouth opened.

His arm flashed out and he covered her mouth with the cloth, stepping around the chair to wrap his legs around her and bring her head back.

She was still struggling, but with each movement, she became weaker.

Grabbing a knife from his side with his left hand, still covering her mouth with the right, Finn drew it across her throat and stilled as the blood burbled out. Her head spasmed. He looked to the side, at the window. He stared out. Blankly.

Standing still with a body in his arms was boring.

He waited.

Gave it another few seconds.

And set her gently down on the ground.

"Are there any bodyguards coming?"

Yagnesh's voice came through soft in his ears. "Not that I can see. How long?"

"I should be done in half an hour."

"Should be?"

"That's the best I've got. Art takes time."

A sigh. "Just hurry."

Finn rolled his eyes, sitting next to the body. Using the bloody knife, he trailed it deep down her arm. Digging in and grabbing a handful of the veins, he tore them out of her body and started spreading them in a strange pattern. Once finished, he moved onto the other arm.

Then the legs. He placed the knife beside him and reached around to grab a smaller box out of another hidden compartment in his leg. These outfits really were incredibly useful.

The box rattled as he brought it out, causing his partner to start talking again. "What is that?"

"Shut up."

"Oi! Seriously."

"I don't talk whilst concentrating. So shut your trap and let me work."

Opening the box, Finn let nails roll out into his hand and started pressing them into the legs from all angles. Once he'd finished and the legs were covered with nails, he picked up his knife again and hacked the body's head off in the exact place he had previously slit. He pulled it across the ground, leaving a trail of blood until it was around half a metre away from the corpse. Then, crouching over it and positioning the knife, he began his work on the head.

"Are you done yet?"

"Stop talking."

"There's a bodyguard coming. You're going to have to hurry."


"Are you done yet?"

"No! Shut up and let me work!"

A muffling of noise. Finn sighed. He stood and moved back over to torso, flipping out the blades at the front of his shoes and moving his foot over the stomach area. Noise ravaged his ears. He sighed again.

Garbage Disposal (Novella)Where stories live. Discover now