About The Walls

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The walls. Incredibly high and impossible to break, they surrounded the smaller areas between the different classes. The land spanning the inside of each wall was large and stationed in alternating positions on the earth. It was confusing to look at from an upward perspective, but it made sense when you were down among the people.

Unlike the low-class, middle-class walls formed a series of semicircles in a long line around the State's side of the war. And in front of it was a huge space of land that was continuously being fought over, ghost cities built, farmland maintained and plains of death and destruction. In that way, it forced the middle-class to constantly fulfil its duty as attachments and supplements for the war against the Sovereign. It also meant the middle classes could also easily venture into different middle-class areas. Oftentimes, each area was dedicated to a slightly different focus of skills. However, they were relatively even in variety throughout - the main reason being if the Sovereign managed to gain control of an entire semicircle, there would be no major issue and the war could be fought at the same pace using the other areas. 

Behind the large semicircle, were a series of smaller square units. Inside these sat any behind-the-scene workers who were in the higher stage of the middle-class. Although often transitioning to the semicircles, the people of the small squares usually consisted of commanders, high-class transitions soon to be killed off, and the select few of the middle-class who worked so well and were so beneficial to the war, that the State wished to keep them out of harm's way.

Behind the small circles were large, vast strips of clear land with runways and speckles of real trees, but not much else. Then gigantic holes in rock plates that acted as an impossible barrier to pass unless by Aerocraft. And behind it, a wide line of barren wasteland. 

Beyond that, lay the boxed areas. The low-class. 

Structured, disciplined to the point of extreme death rates, the low-class was disgusting. A madhouse of work, orders and so horrible it was almost impossible to describe. Living in a place like that brought only pain. But once you were trapped in the low-class areas, you couldn't get out. The only visitors to that wretched place were the few strictly trained soldiers in middle-class who were forced with the job of delivering orders to the low-class soldiers - and, of course, they completed them quickly and with precision.

Everyone knew that once you were in the lower class, you couldn't move up. But you could always move down. Low-class was restricted to low-class, middle to middle or low, high-class had the potential of descending from heaven to the depths of Hell itself. 

Fall without rise, only struggling to keep from the bottom. It was the existence of every creature. It was the existence his mind reformed as he stared over the world at those walls.

Of course, the place he was going to didn't have walls. No, its barrier was entirely different. Its cage was the empty air around it, the air that you would most certainly fall through if you tried to escape. But who would try to escape high class? No, its purpose for being raised in the air, situated above the barren lines between middle and low class, was so that nobody unless by invite, on Aerocraft, could get in. 

Unless you had permission and everything was in order, even aircraft couldn't enter high class - a barrier of electrical charges that shot out and brought down anyone unauthorised, made sure of that.

And it was very effective.

As Finn stared out over the land below him, the land he was slowly growing further and further away from, these were the thoughts running through his head.

The world was strange, twisted, putrid and in need of purification. Unfortunately, that was something he could not accomplish. 

He turned towards the front of the Aerocraft, leaning back and deep into his seat with a picture of pure blank boredom imprinted in his face. He would be there soon. And once he was out of the Aerocraft, his first trial would be officially over. Good. 

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