About Garbage Disposal

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What he said before was the truth. Knives would cut you if you moved as much as he did, no matter how tightly you strapped them to your leg. So, his leg was bleeding and he'd had to be quick when finding a new place to hide the knife when coming over. Luckily, he'd had lots of practice of hidden knives up arms. Unfortunately, that meant the knife would be partially shoved in the incision of his arm that was still openly bleeding. Which, he had to admit, was an absolutely pain. Both figuratively and literally. But, it made it easier for him to slip the knife down to his hand.

A smile broke on his face. It was so satisfying. Everything was coming together just as he'd planned.

He drove the knife in again and again. Plunging it deep into the flesh. Yanking it out. Again and again. He didn't hear the cries, didn't see the horrified expression, didn't feel the blood splash over his face.

The knife plunged again and again.

It was exhilarating.

It was beautiful.

Several minutes later, Finn watched the body drop to the ground. And stared at the pool of blood. He pursed his lips. It would have been great if he could do an art piece. He felt like doing an art piece.

He sighed, crouched down and rubbed some of the blood between his fingers. He needed some cloth. Moving over to the parents, he tore off a piece of their clothes and wiped his hands.

Then he took his knife back from Taejun's body and walked towards the door. Ripping off the last of the cloth covering him up top, he walked out the door and waved his hand in the air towards the man sitting on the roof, on the lookout. "Yagnesh!"

The man looked towards him. It was indeed Yagnesh. Finn waved him over and the man came down, landing directly in front of him. "What's the matter?"

"Not too much, I just have a few questions from Taejun."


"First off, how many of you guys are there outside?"

"Seven of us, plus Kakichi, is on the lookout. Apart from me."

"And where is Kakichi?"

"The opposite roof. Why are you asking me this? Doesn't Mister Lee Han already know this?"

"Do you have communication with everyone?"

"Of course."

"Is the line always open?"

"No, it's selective contact, so they won't be able to hear anyone unless someone opens it."

"Thank you."

"I'm so confused-"

Yagnesh tumbled to the ground, gurgling as blood spilled from his throat. A smirk rose on Finn's face and he crouched down next to the dying body. "I told you I would kill you." A tight breath in and he turned over Yagnesh's wrist, pulling off a device. He turned back to Yagnesh, holding up the device. "Good thing I worked as one of you guys for a bit. I scored some very helpful information." 

He stood and walked away a bit. Then he pressed a labelled button that would reach only one person. His voice pitched up slightly, he tensed his jaw. "Kakichi, we have a situation!"

The voice came through clear. "Okay, I can't see you; what happened?"

"We're at the front entrance of the hall, but the area's undercover and relatively concealed, so you won't be able to see us. Yagnesh has been shot. I think one of the others shot him. Is there any other snipers in the group?"

"No, just me."

"Then it must be someone from outside. I think Taejun's in danger."

"Okay..." A pause. "Do you know anything about sniping?"

Garbage Disposal (Novella)Where stories live. Discover now