Day 1 Heroes

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Hey everyone! It's Claire!

So as you may have heard, it is Dj Wifi Fluff month! So, CanaryBug and I made a deal since both of us were much too busy to take on the whole month ourselves... We're each gonna do half of it! YAY!!! (EDIT: these were written 2 years ago, we never quite finished every prompt.)

Ok so, there isn't really an order to it per say... but we each have been assigned half of the month and we will be posting that on my profile. If anything changes you'll know about it!

Nino's POV

I've always loved comic books. I was a huge Marvel fan growing up. My comics where my saving grace growing up.

I had always hoped I'd be a hero and someday fall in love with another hero so we could save the day together.

But comics were always a distant unreachable dream to me. Something you could hope for but they'd remain unachievable.

Until the first Akuma ransacked paris two years ago, and Ladybug and ChatNoir appeared.

At first I may or may not have had a small celebrity crush on Ladybug. Until Marinette locked Alya and I in a zoo cage for several hours.

We finally got forced together and she became my everything as we talked for hours on end.

I didn't think it was even possible for someone to fall so hard for someone else, but there I was, suddenly certain that I would rather die than let this girl slip through my fingers.

When Rena Rouge appeared and soon after I entered the scene as Carapace, I never could have imagined that Rena was the love of my life.

And don't even get me started on the massive shock I received when Ladybug handed Alya and I our miraculous. Alya's smirk when she transformed sent my head spinning.

Here she was, the love of my life, turning into a beautiful heartthrob fox themed super hero.

And on top of that she already knew that I was Carapace.

Every day when I see her, whether in or out of costume I'm reminded of how extremely lucky I am to have her.

The hero of my heart, Alya Cessaire.

DJ WIFI December 2018Where stories live. Discover now