Day 12 Proposal

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Nino's POV

I stare down at the gem encrusted ring. I quickly close the box and stuff it in my jacket pocket as someone takes a seat next to me.

"You really need to just man up and do it, Nino. It's been three years that you've had it and Aly isn't exactly the most patient person we know, now is she?"

I sigh and look up at my blond best friend.

"Easy for you to say, mister 'Model Perfect'. You could have snagged any girl if you wanted to." I sigh feeling defeated. "What if she says no? What if we're not ready?"

Adrien claps my back and I stare down at my journal.

"You just gotta take that chance. If you wait too much longer she might think you don't really love her, or that you're not committed to your relationship."

I burrow my head in my jacket trying to shut out my insecurities.

"I know, I know, I know!" I groan.

I stare at my journal while clutching the black velvet box in my pocket. I soon get the feeling that if I stare any longer I'll set the pages on fire.

Before Adrien showed up I was writing in my journal again. This time it was about Alya and her whip cream mustache when she drank the peppermint mocha I had bought her.

Last night I wrote about her sudden and very much out of nowhere dance party when she started playing my music again. She practically imploded with energy.

I start flipping through the pages of my latest journal. Every page was filled with adorable things that I love about my girlfriend. I think back to the several other journals filled with similar entries.

What if...

As if I had been zapped with energy I blot out of my seat.

"I got it! I know what I'm gonna do! I-I gotta go!" I grab my journal and rush out of the dinner.

Over the next few days I spend all of my spare time writing.

When I find my earliest entry involving Alya I find it's during after first date.

The anniversary of is five days away.

By the time those five days has rolled by I've finished writing and my plan is perfected.

Alya's POV

Marinette helps me apply my makeup and curl my hair so that everything looks perfect.

"You really think he's gonna do it?" I ask feeling dizzy.

"I hope so! You've been waiting long enough!" Marinette chirps as she bounces around me, making sure that everything is just right.

"To be honest, if my heart could handle it, I'd wait a thousand years for him." I admit.

Marinette frowns and shakes her head.

"I know Alya, I know."

We end up deciding to go for a natural look with a modern twist on a fifties looking spin dress with a sweetheart neckline. The whole dress reminds me of a the markings of a fox. That's the whole reason why I picked it. Nino calls me 'Rena Petit' or 'little fox'.

When the doorbell rings Mari jumps up and trips over air to get to the door knowing they guys are waiting on the other side.

When Nino walks his right pocket is filled with a couple Items. My heart swells and I have to bite my lip to keep from squealing.

Nino gives me this nervous smile as he slips my cardigan over my shoulders.

"Ready, Babe?"

I nod and wrap my arms around one of his. We wave goodbye to Marinette and Adrien before setting off down the street.

DJ WIFI December 2018Where stories live. Discover now