Day 15 Reveal

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A/N: Oh look at that, LatyoftheBirds here and I'll be doing the Dec. 15 Prompt: Reveal! Love ya, Claire! And before you Canon Crazies snipe me, this is an AU.

Claire: I helped write this. Lol love you bugaboo.

In a world where superheroes are real, there are two types of reveals: a reveal of identities and a reveal of emotions. For Alya and me, it was a mixture of both.

When I first donned the green suit and became Carapace, I made my true self a bit more obvious than I wanted. Too busy with Anansi, I never noticed Alya's piercing glance at my eyes. Every action I did seemed to make it even more obvious. The final nail in the coffin: she whispered in my ear and confirmed her suspicions.

After the battle between Scarlet Moth and the team, I realized that the vixen superheroine, Rena Rouge, was a lot more protective of me than I of her. At the time, Alya and I were still having trouble confronting each others' feelings. I liked her, sure, but I feared she didn't feel the same. She sacrificed herself for me and got akumatized. I didn't like her, heck I barely even knew Rena, but I ended up getting akumatized as well due to pure guilt. The middle of the battle was a blur and the next thing I knew, I was side by side with Rena Rouge.

After (sorta) defeating Scarlet Moth and freeing the citizens, the two of us had to return our miraculous and that was the last time we would see each other... or so we thought. A few months later, we would become our superhero personas once again, and it was awkward to say the least.

With the previous events in mind, we ended up protecting each other in every way possible. By now, Alya and I were dating, but we still weren't aware we both saved Paris.

In the midst of the battle, Rena had been thrown aside by an akuma. By the time I had rushed to her aid she'd fallen unconscious with her miraculous beeping, signaling about a minute before she turns back.

I equipped my shield and gathered Rena up into my arms.

I don't think I had ever run faster than I did that day, taking Rena Rouge to safety. When I made it to a secluded alley way, I layed Rena down just as she begins to transform back.

Nothing could have prepared me to see my injured girlfriend laying in my arms in place of a superhero who had saved my life several times.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as my transformation dropped.

So, I sat there and I begged for the love of my life to be ok.

I buried my face in her neck.

"I love you, Alya..."

Suddenly her arms wrapped around me and held me close.

"I love you too," she whispered.

"I think it might be time to talk, yeah?"


DJ WIFI December 2018Where stories live. Discover now