Day 7 Sharing Beds

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A/N: Hey guys, CanaryBug here! I'll be doing the Dec. 7 prompt "Sharing Beds" for you today! Addressing ParisLove15's review, this is a mixture of both one-shots and drabbles, but the majority will be favoring the latter. Hope you enjoy!

There was a time that I was comfortable sleeping alone. There was a time I enjoyed turning to my side to see nothing but linen bed sheets and plush pillows. There was a time I would grip the blanket and shut my eyes as thunder rolled through the night. I remember when I would collapse onto my bed and extend my arms, not awaiting the comforting touch of my significant other. They tried, but I ultimately had no reason to rely on someone to get me through the darkness. Until my trip to New York.

Alya and I were friends; best friends. We would laugh together and cherish each others' hobbies. When we flew with Mme. Bustier's class to New York City, I was excited to spend more time with her in a distraction-free environment- platonically, of course. It all went downhill when our redhead teacher told us to get into groups of fours to stay in each suite. Obviously, Alya and I paired with the for-some-reason-nobody-gave-a-heads-up-on now-dating Marinette and Adrien. I don't know who came up with the genius idea to only put two beds in each suite, but that was all they gave us. Two beds and a couch.

Adrien and Marinette being Adrien and Marinette, rushed over to one of the beds, dumped their luggage on top of it, and promptly sat down in a timely manner. That left Alya and I two options: one of us sleep on the not-so-comfy couch, or we be the extremely platonic friends we are and sleep together. One awkward bout of laughter later, I plopped onto the stupid green couch and lied down. Some luxury suite this was.

If you haven't figured it out already, Americans are loud, rambunctious animals. You could take any akuma fight we've seen in the past few years, and New York at night would still be louder. I would hate to see what it would be like during New Year's Eve. Already uncomfortable, the constant, grating honking made it nearly impossible for me to close my eyes without them springing back open almost immediately. With a loose spring constantly jabbing my back, rest didn't come any easier. So I did what any other reasonable person would have done: lie on the hardwood floor.

I guess my thumping body was louder than I had anticipated, because I heard Alya ask about my well-being a few seconds later. Groaning in response to her concern, Alya then walked over to me and helped me back on my feet. And that's when 'platonic' pretty much flew out the window. Gesturing me to her bed, we both lied down together, a fairly large amount of space between us. As the night dragged on, our distance gradually began to close before we were breathing on each other. She was warm, and gave me more comfort than the blanket itself. Soon, the bright lights blurred and faded as my tired eyes finally found sleep. In that moment, I had found my 'other'.

And so whenever I turn to the side, I don't see isolation and abandonment any longer. I see warmth and fulfillment, as she embraces me close to her heart. As her hands curl around mine, I can distinctly see a golden band wrapped around her golden finger. In years prior, I may have been content to be alone. I used to be able to go to fall into dreams in my own solidarity.

But now, I can't sleep without her.

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