Chapter XI: Existence of Happy Ever After

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Right after I closed the door of her bedroom

"Hahahaha.... Hahahaha...."

I laughed devilishly with all my mad heart, and was already reddish when I managed to stop myself.

Every part of my plan flashed back to me:

...her altered medicine months before the wedding...

"Myrtle is not yet well but she's not that ill as before. I guess the medication that WE are giving to her is the right one now."

"From others work over the internet and some little researches from the libraries. I consulted your colleagues too."

...her sleep on the sofa when Stephanie came...

"I saw her asleep on the sofa, tired of playing with ME the whole day. She had never been this tired."

...the chocolate that raised her schizophrenia to total insanity for that night...

"Here! It's you favorite chocolate, right? Dark chocolates? I real picked these for you!"

"How about for you? You didn't buy any?"

"No. I thought you forbade me from eating chocolates. You said that it is bad for me, that it must not go along with my medicine."

"A little of it is just fine, besides, you just eat occasionally."

"Kuya, I'm hungry."

I handed her the wrapped chocolate bar and joined her by trying the unwrapped one.

...the chocolate and pocket knife that traded their place in my pocket

"My things on the left and yours on the right."

"Kuya, I'm hungry."

I handed her the wrapped chocolate bar and joined her by trying the unwrapped one.

I handed the other bar of chocolate to Myrtle but she just shook her head. I had my gift to Carol out of my pocket but I don't have the guts to hand it to her or even to see her. I just don't know what to say or what to do.

IT WOULD BE BETTER IF I JUST LET THINGS BE so I just put them back on my vest's pocket and sleep away with my sister to her dreamland where nightmares, either real or delusion can't reach us.

...Carol's innocence about Myrtle's delicate condition...

"But as I noted to you before, be careful still with her emotions, especially about your parents. Any extreme emotion from her or from anyone around her, particularly from those who are very close to her, will drive her into thinking of not so sound things.

"She's still young and that made it even worse. She still doesn't have any solid foundation of morality, of what is right or what is wrong. Her mind is still untamed from the fantasy."


"It is easier to reach a happy ever after on a fairy tale than in real life.

"Writers are always in control of their pen, every sway of their pen, including every pause and turn. They can even manipulate every situation that will come and every word that characters will say.

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