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                When we were just kid, we used to believe in fairy tales.

                And somehow until now, it's still our fantasy;

princely groom,

knightly suitor,

rose garden,

grand mansion,

and most of all...

happy ever after.

                They used to say that happy ever after is when woman got married with the man she love.

                Some said that it is when the story ends with the woman and his man living together.

                In their words, "...and they live happily ever after".

                And tragedy writers said that it is unfinished story since a story of one's life only ends when one died.


                But those are of fairy tales. How about in my life?

                Should I be that unflawed?

                Is Carol my damsel in distress?

                Should Cedric co-exist in the story?

                Is he just an option to Carol?

                Is the rose garden a fanfare of a happy ending?

                How grand our mansion will be?

                But what bothers me is its existence in my life.

                Are they for real?

                Or my question is not the right one to ask?

                How happy ever after exist in my life?

                What is my life's version of happy ever after?

Perhaps, it does exist.

This is my tragic happy ending.

My Tragic Happy EndingWhere stories live. Discover now