The meeting

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The first thing Jotaro could remember from his childhood was looking at his ghost friend and wondering why only he could see it or play with it. The child ended up calling him star when the ghost drew a star on the boy's notebook in class when he was 6 years old it seemed to make his ghost buddy happy too so it stuck. Jotaro had always been a somewhat quiet yet sweet boy who didn't hesitate to punch people who tried to hurt him or have Star punch the person instead. Jotaro did admit it was nice to have a buddy by your side at all times but being bullied for still having an "imaginary friend" when he was around 9 sucked a lot though, getting in trouble for kicking their asses wasn't fun either. The boy had begun to wish there was someone who understood and could see Star Platinum too. Sadly no one could do so and it left Jotaro rather bitter yet still mostly sweet.  

Then to Jotaro's surprise the teacher announced there would be a new student in class that moved from somewhere else is Japan, honestly the small male didn't care until he noticed something trailing behind the new kid. Green and silver and ghostlike just like star....well his Stand wasn't green but definitely ghost like. Jotaro smiled excitedly, he had to talk to this new kid, Kakyoin Noriaki, he would remember it well before going to talk to him.

Kakyoin had always been a somewhat lonely child, not because others disliked him but because he never really had anyone that could truly understand him since no one could see his Hierophant green. So he rarely talked to anyone and just focused on his drawings and his games. Even when his parents told him they were going to move to a new place the red haired child was excited with the hope of meeting people like him but he was also very cautious. After all if so far no one could see his Hierophant was likely that in the new place there wouldn't be anyone either. But maybe Kakyoin could try to get friends yet the idea of calling someone a friend when they could never truly understand him felt very weird and foreign to him. 

Stepping into his new classroom Kakyoin looked at everyone while hierophant green was behind him, he noticed a boy looking at him in surprise it filled the child with hope as he took a breath. "Hi my name is Kakyoin Noriaki, it's nice to meet you all.'' Kakyoin said politely with a smile, hoping that this time he could make friends who understood him. The boy shuffled to his newly assigned seat, right next to the kid who had been staring at him.

"Hi, I'm Kujo Jotaro...was that green guy also a ghost that follows you?" The child asked without any care what was going on, Star platinum appearing behind him. The small red haired boy gasped before smiling and nodding. "Yeah you have one too? what's his name?" Kakyoin asked before the teacher told everyone to be silent before starting the lesson. 
"Star" He whispered, glancing at Kakyoin. "I call him star" 

During recess the two boys sat together, silent at first before the red head began to speak. "Star looks really cool, when did he appear first?" Kakyoin asked, wanting to know more about the other kid and his stand in hopes that they could be friends and that he wouldn't be alone anymore at least he hoped so. 

"I don't know, I remember him always being there with me. What about you?" Jotaro asked out of curiosity, happy since he would at least have someone to talk to and have a friend for a while that could understand a part of him no one else could. True the child had friends before but never friends who could see Star which became a problem once he turned 9 and kids thought imaginary friends were weird instead of a fun way to play around. Yet Jotaro knew Star platinum was real, especially now that he could see Kakyoin's hierophant green. "What's the name of your ghost?"

The redhaired kid smiled and pulled out a notebook and flipped it to an apparently random page. "Hierophant green, I think he's also always been there with me too" He said before looking at Jojo. "Do you want to be my friend? I never had one before" Kakyoin asked carefully, hoping that the other boy would say yes to being friends maybe then he wouldn't be as lonely anymore and actually have a friend.

Jotaro thought about it for a moment before giving the other boy a rare smile. "Sure" The boy replied, happy to have an actual friend who could see Star platinum for once. Hopefully they could stay friends for a long time and play together a lot. "Do you want to play together?" He asked, grabbing a ball that seemingly no one was playing with or at least no one seemed to be playing with it when Jotaro grabbed it. He smiled at the other young stand user, wondering if they could play using their ghosts as more players.

Kakyoin smiled happily and nodded as he stood up, he never really played with anyone like this before. It should be fun right? Was what the boy wondered before Jotaro put the ball on the ground and kicked in towards the redhead. The child carefully kicked the ball back with uncertainty but smiled when the black haired boy kicked it back again. "Do you want to come play at my house after school?" Kakyoin asked with a happy smile on his face kicking the ball again, almost falling over in the process. Luckily hierophant green caught him with its appendages before he could fall.

The young boy couldn't help but laugh a tiny bit at Kakyoin's misfortune but made sure he was okay. "Sure, I'll have to ask my mom about it though" He said, hoping school would end soon so he could visit the home of his new friend to play and learn more about their ghost buddies. Maybe Jotaro could even call jiji to say he made a friend. 

After school Jotaro ran towards his mom to ask if he could stay at his new friend's house. "Mom, I made a friend and he can see Star too. Can I go to his house please?" the boy asked, a big smile on his usual stoic face showing which did surprise Holly but in a good way. Seeing her son so excited made the mother very happy although it did make her wonder what this boy would be like for Jotaro to be so excited to spend time with. 

"Of course sweetie but I need to make sure his parents are okay with it too" Holly said before noticing a boy running towards her son with who she assumed to be his mother. Jotaro immediately waved towards Kakyoin with a smile on his face. "This is him mom" He said happily. 

"So this is your friend Noriaki? He seems like a sweet boy."Kakyoin's mother said, crouching a bit to introduce herself to her son's new friend before standing up again and turning to the boy's mother. "You must be his mother, I'm so glad Noriaki finally made a friend, how about you come over for some tea? The boys can play together and we can talk a bit" the red haired woman suggested, she was so happy Kakyoin had finally made a friend since he seemed to slowly becoming such an outcast despite no kid disliking him.

Holly smiled and put her hands together. "That would be lovely, I'm certain Jotaro will enjoy it too" she said, noticing how her son and Kakyoin were eagerly chatting about who knows what. It was really nice to see the sweet boy that the woman knew was there under the silent and serious exteriors of Jotaro finally showing itself to someone.

Both mothers couldn't wait to see how their sons' friendship would blossom and become strong enough to hopefully stand the test of time. If only they knew how their friendship would affect the future and the relationship between them.

Chapter one done ^^ I hope you enjoyed

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