Playdate time

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Waiting for the day of the picnic felt way too long to Jotaro's liking. Yeah it was only a few days, where he would still see Kakyoin but the idea of his mom's pies at a picnic with his best friend there was great. At school the boy had learned more about the redhead, except the drawing and video games the boy was pretty smart and also good at social interaction. It made Jotaro wonder why he was Kakyoin's only friend, so he did the best thing he could think of.

"Kakyoin, why don't you have any other friends yet?" Jotaro asked, sure it was direct and blunt but he was curious as to why the redhead had never spoken about any other friends from before he moved. Or why the boy could socialise fine but refused to have any other friends besides him.

Kakyoin was surprised at the sudden question but smiled, after at this point he was used to the silent but generally nice demeanour his friend had. "Oh....because I don't like it when people can't see hierophant." Kakyoin admitted, hoping it was enough of an explanation for the other boy since he couldn't really explain it well. "You're my best friend though, not only because of star" He said, giving the tall boy a happy smile he didn't show that often.

Jotaro felt a small blush appear on his face when he saw Kakyoin's smile, he didn't know why but he completely understood why the redhead rather have friends who could see his stand then those who couldn't. Being told though that they weren't just friends because they could see each others special spirits made the boy happy. "You're also my best friend" The boy said with a smile, although it was a bit awkward. Jotaro took out the big marine life book he had borrowed for the past few days and offered it back to Kakyoin. "Can I borrow it again soon?" He asked, hoping the redhead would say yes since the book was full of awesome creatures.

The redhead nodded with a smile before taking the book. "Of course, I only use it to draw"Kakyoin admitted before standing up and offering his hand to the taller boy to stand up too so they could go and play in the garden of Jotaro's home they were currently at, Holly was making lunch for the both of them in the kitchen.

"Mom we're going outside to play" The boy called out before taking Kakyoin's hand and racing with him into the garden. Jotaro had a smile on his face as he ran towards a tree to climb into, he was already climbing into it with a smirk and the help of Star Platinum every now and then to reach a higher branch when the redhead arrived.

Kakyoin ran after the taller boy, being slower then him was understandable but he did try to keep up. When he arrived he saw Jotaro climbing into one of the trees which wasn't unusual since the boy was pretty strong for his age but this tree was a lot bigger than the others, making him worry a bit what would happen if he would fall. "Jotaro is this a good idea?" He asked, watching as hierophant green hovered behind Kakyoin just in case.

"I'll be okay" the boy said a bit bluntly as he tried to reach a branch only for one of his feet to slip. A surprised yelp escaped Jotaro as he braced himself to fall, only to suddenly feel several of Hierophant green's appendages keeping him in place. Seeing this as an opportunity the boy quickly grabbed the brach and repositioned his foot on a more stable spot. Soon enough Jotaro was at a spot he could stop climbing and sit down. "Thanks, that was so cool" Jotaro said, smiling at the redhead who seemed to be both surprised and worried.

Kakyoin was frowning, seeing a crape on Jotaro's knees. But at the same time, he was never able to keep someone from falling with Hierophant before. After a moment of silence the redhead decided to climb up as well so he and Jotaro could be together. "I didn't know hierophant could do that" The male admitted as he reached a spot where he could be comfortable, it wasn't next to Jotaro but it worked. "You should be more careful could've gotten hurt" Kakyoin said with a joking glare at the taller boy but also a clearly worried tone in his voice.

The male stayed silent for a while but nodded in understanding, the scrape did hurt and the redhead had a point. Would that stop him from making the same mistake? No he was still a child and probably would forget about it soon but hearing Kakyoin so worried made Jotaro feel a bit guilty. He promised himself he wouldn't worry Kakyoin again. "So what do you wanna do?" Jotaro asked, already guessing that Kakyoin would like to do homework together like usual.

"Let's do homework" The boy said, not wanting to forgot about it since he usually got good grades to make his parents proud of him. Jotaro also got good grades but definitely less good then Kakyoin.

Quickly climbing down the tree, the two went back inside. Right on time too since Holly had finished lunch.

"Lunch is ready boys, before you continue playing and doing homework you have to eat" The woman said as she approached the boys only to notice the scraped knee. "Are you okay sweetie? Let's get that cleaned up " She asked sounding worried despite her comforting warmth, kneeling down to inspect the scrape. Holly stood took Jotaro's hand and brought him to the bathroom to clean it and put a bandaid on it. "What happened?" She asked as they reached the bathroom.

Jotaro sat down on a small stool they had in the bathroom, allowing his mom to inspect the scrape more closely. He felt embarrassed if he told the truth that he fell almost fell, not to mention his mom would be worried sick and not leave him alone when he'd be climbing the taller trees. At least that's what his kid mind told him.

"He slipped and almost fell" Kakyoin said before the other boy could say anything. He was already really aware that Jotaro would twist the truth a bit to not worry his mother. The redhead had noticed Holly was rather expressive which did have an accidental consequence of making her feelings obvious even to kids like him and Jojo.

The woman frowned for a second before nodding and smiling softly. "Were you able to go up far? Be a bit more careful next time okay?" She asked as she was grabbing a small rag with water to clean the wound. "I wouldn't be able to do it myself, especially as high as you can climb sweetie" Holly said, putting on the bandaid and kissing Jotaro's cheek. "There all better, now I made some lunch. I'm sure you two are hungry" She said, standing up and beginning to walk to the kitchen.

Jotaro stood up too, jokingly glaring at the redhead. "Snitch" He said, sticking out his tongue before following his mom. Kakyoin following and giggling at the taller boy's reaction.

Lunch was really nice and soon enough Kakyoin had to leave again, taking the marine life book with him. "I'll see you tomorrow at the picnic" Kakyoin called out, a clear smile on his face. Jotaro smiled back and nodded. "Yep, I can't wait" He said with his own excited smile on his face. They were going to a park that had an extremely cool playground to play in after or before having eaten.

After the redhead left Holly picked up Jotaro and smiled. "Would you like helping me make a pie for tomorrow?" She asked while walking to the kitchen, still carrying her son who was growing a lot faster then she expected. He definitely had Joseph's tallness genes. Jotaro happily nodded with a smile on his face. "Can it be cherry pie mom? Kakyoin loves cherries" The boy said, Holly was glad her son was so excited to spend time with his friend. Especially to this extent, it really showed the sweet boy underneath some of the stoicness. "Of course sweetie"

Once in the kitchen Holly put her son down who immediately went around collecting the things they were going to need. The woman grabbed the eggs, butter and milk while Jotaro grabbed the cherries and flour which almost got all over him before they could even start. She giggled a bit before grabbing a chair for Jotaro to stand on, despite his tall stature for a 9 year old he still couldn't quite reach the top of the counter.

Soon the mother and her son started to make the pie, flour ending up everywhere but in the end they had made an absolutely delicious looking cherry pie. "I can't wait until tomorrow, Noriaki will love this" Jotaro said with an excited and happy smile.







Autors note: Heya, I hoped you liked this chapter ^^ I'm sorry I post so little but sadly I have bad wifi that keeps me from posting a lot. Anyway enjoy.

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